Extended Data Fig. 3 |. Simulated text decoding results on the 50-phrase-AAC sentence set.
a–c, We computed phone (a), word (b), and character (c) error rates on simulated text-decoding results with the real-time 50-phrase-AAC blocks used for evaluation of the synthesis models. Across n = 15 pseudo-blocks, we observed a median PER of 5.63% (99% CI [2.10, 12.0]), median WER of 4.92% (99% CI [3.18, 14.0]) and median CER of 5.91% (99% CI [2.21, 11.4]). The PER, WER, and CER were also significantly better than chance (P < .001 for all metrics, Wilcoxon signed-rank test with 3-way Holm-Bonferonni Correction for multiple comparisons). Statistics compare n = 15 total pseudo-blocks. For PER: stat = 0, P = 1.83e-4. For CER: stat = 0, P = 1.83e-4. For WER: stat = 0, P = 1.83e-4. d, Speech was decoded at high rates with a median WPM of 101 (99% CI [95.6, 103]).