Table 1.
Course content
Topic | Delivery method | Time allocated |
Access to essential surgical care | L | 40 min |
Trauma care: epidemiology and principles of management | L | 40 min |
Resuscitation and stabilisation: airway | L, C, M | 1 hour 30 min |
Resuscitation and stabilisation: breathing and circulation, including vascular access | L, C | 3 hours 30 min |
Wound and burn management | L, C | 2 hours |
Managing abdominal trauma | L, C | 2 hours |
Essential abdominal surgery and emergencies | L, C | 3 hours 30 min |
Principles of fracture management | L, C | 2 hours |
Managing limb trauma | L, C | 2 hours |
Managing head trauma | L, C | 3 hours 30 min |
Managing complications of pregnancy | L, C, M | 2 hours |
Postpartum haemorrhage and emergency obstetrics/gynaecology | L, C | 3 hours |
Topics covered in the course including method of delivery and time allocated.
C, practical Cadaveric procedural demonstrations; L, lecture; M, practical manikin demonstrations.