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. 2024 Jan 9;10(1):e003338. doi: 10.1136/rmdopen-2023-003338

Table 1.

Baseline characteristics of study participants in the UK Biobank

Characteristics Total participants
(n=223 526)
No incident RA (n=220 213) Incident RA (n=3313) P value
Age at baseline, years (mean±SD) 56.2±8.02 56.2±8.02 59.3±7.20 <0.001
Townsend deprivation index (mean±SD) -1.41±2.98 -1.42±2.98 -0.94±3.15 <0.001
Ethnicity, n (%) <0.001
 White 211 513 (94.6) 208 425 (94.6) 3088 (93.2)
 Other 12 013 (5.4) 11 788 (5.4) 225 (6.8)
Smoking status, n (%)
 Never smoker 134 016 (60.0) 132 305 (60.0) 1711 (51.7) <0.001
 Former smoker 70 741 (31.6) 69 514 (31.6) 1227 (37.0)
 Current smoker 18 769 (8.4) 18 394 (8.4) 375 (11.3)
Alcohol drinker status, n (%) <0.001
 Never drinker 12 197 (5.5) 11 901 (5.4) 292 (8.8)
 Former drinker 7557 (3.4) 7348 (3.3) 209 (6.3)
 Current drinker 203 776 (91.1) 200 964 (91.3) 2812 (84.9)
BMI, kg/m2 (mean±SD) 26.9±5.01 26.8±4.99 28.4±5.70 <0.001
Physical activity, MET-min/week, n (%) <0.001
 Low (<600) 44 581 (19.9) 43 794 (19.9) 787 (23.8)
 Moderate (≥600, <3000) 116 859 (52.3) 115 272 (52.3) 1587 (47.9)
 High (≥3000) 62 086 (27.8) 61 147 (27.8) 939 (28.3)
Vitamin D supplement, n (%) 0.036
 No 175 222 (78.4) 172 575 (78.4) 2647 (79.9)
 Yes 48 304 (21.6) 47 638 (21.6) 666 (20.1)
Fracture history, n (%) <0.001
 No 200 847 (89.9) 197 979 (89.9) 2868 (86.6)
 Yes 22 679 (10.1) 22 234 (10.1) 445 (13.4)
Diabetes, n (%) <0.001
 No 215 709 (96.5) 212 614 (96.5) 3095 (93.4)
 Yes 7817 (3.5) 7659 (3.5) 218 (6.6)
Blood pressure
 SBP, mm Hg (mean±SD) 137.0±20.25 137.0±20.25 140.0±19.85 <0.001
 DBP, mm Hg (mean±SD) 80.0±10.54 80.0±10.54 81.0±10.42 0.006
Rheumatoid factor status, n (%) <0.001
 RF-negative 202 037 (90.4) 199 580 (90.6) 2457 (74.2)
7060 (3.2)
14 429 (6.4)
6589 (3.0)
14 044 (6.4)
471 (14.2)
385 (11.6)
Age at menarche, years (mean±SD) 123.0±1.62 13.0±1.61 13.0±1.74 0.823
Ever been pregnant, n (%) <0.001
 No 33 204 (14.8) 32 787 (14.9) 417 (12.6)
 Yes 189 479 (84.8) 186 592 (84.7) 2887 (87.1)
 Missing 843 (0.4) 834 (0.4) 9 (0.3)
Number of children, n (%) <0.001
 None 42 427 (19.0) 41 894 (19.0) 533 (16.1)
 1 29 814 (13.3) 29 353 (13.3) 461 (13.9)
 2 98 159 (43.9) 96 762 (43.9) 1397 (42.2)
 3 39 249 (17.6) 38 635 (17.6) 614 (18.5)
 ≥4 13 732 (6.1) 13 426 (6.1) 306 (9.2)
 Missing 145 (0.1) 143 (0.1) 2 (0.1)
Menopause, n (%) <0.001
 No 62 312 (27.9) 61 831 (28.1) 481 (14.5)
 Yes 160 991 (72.0) 158 164 (71.8) 2827 (85.3)
 Missing 223 (0.1) 218 (0.1) 5 (0.2)
Age at menopause, years (mean±SD) 50.0±5.08 50.0±5.07 50.0±5.95 <0.001
Reproductive years, years (mean±SD) 37.0±5.32 37.0±5.30 36.0±6.09 <0.001
History of hysterectomy, n (%) <0.001
 No 182 785 (81.8) 180 447 (81.9) 2338 (70.5)
 Yes 15 896 (7.1) 15 500 (7.1) 396 (12.0)
 Missing 24 845 (11.1) 24 266 (11.0) 579 (17.5)
History of oophorectomy, n (%) <0.001
 No 203 279 (90.9) 200 418 (91.0) 2861 (86.4)
 Yes 17 368 (7.8) 17 003 (7.7) 365 (11.0)
 Missing 2879 (1.3) 2792 (1.3) 87 (2.6)
Ever used oral contraceptive pills, n (%) <0.001
 No 40 867 (18.3) 40 100 (18.2) 767 (23.2)
 Yes 182 152 (81.5) 179 616 (81.6) 2536 (76.5)
 Missing 507 (0.2) 497 (0.2) 10 (0.3)
Duration of oral contraceptive pill use, years (mean±SD) 10.4±7.68 10.4±7.68 9.8±7.65 <0.001
Ever used HRT, n (%) <0.001
 No 139 012 (62.2) 137 479 (62.4) 1533 (46.3)
 Yes 83 911 (37.5) 82 145 (37.3) 1766 (53.3)
 Missing 603 (0.3) 589 (0.3) 14 (0.4)
Duration of HRT use, years (mean±SD) 6.3±5.28 6.3±5.26 7.1±5.88 <0.001

BMI, body mass index; DBP, diastolic blood pressure; HRT, hormone replacement therapy; MET, metabolic equivalents; RA, rheumatoid arthritis; RF, rheumatoid factor; SBP, systolic blood pressure.