Analysis of human and mouse datasets show significant enrichment of known Ca2+-regulated processes, proteins and pathways.
(A,B) Gene set enrichment analysis (GSEA) of CRPs from human (A) and mouse (B) datasets show significant enrichment of molecular function terms related to Ca2+ binding and signaling (green text).
(C) GSEA of proteins with a significant thermal stability change in response to Mg2+ addition shows an enrichment for DNA, RNA and nucleotide binding molecular functions, and lack Ca2+-related processes.
(D) Ion-induced thermal stability changes of Annexin proteins from human and mouse datasets show a Ca2+-specific response.
(E) GSEAof human dataset using KEGG annotations enriches Ca2+ signaling.
(F) Schematic representation of the Ca2+ regulated Gq signaling pathway. Proteins shown were quantified in the human lysates. Bolded proteins are identified as CRPs.
(G) Ion-induced thermal stability changes of Gq pathway proteins, relative to EGTA condition. Dotted lines show log2(FC) ± 0.2. Error bars: standard deviation of replicate measurements.