Fig. 2.
Trophoblast invaginations and inclusions (TIs). A Chorionic villi from a 6-week loss revealed both a trophoblast inclusion (TI) (arrow) and invagination (green asterisk), with surrounding cytotrophoblasts (black arrowheads). Intervillous space (I) and villus core (V). B Trophoblast invagination (arrow) in a villus from a 7-week loss. C Trophoblast invagination (green arrowheads) forming a TI (arrow) with surrounding cytotrophoblasts (black arrowheads). D Cross section of a large TI (arrow) surrounded by cytotrophoblasts (black arrowheads) in a 14-week villus. E Multiple TIs (arrows) with surrounding cytotrophoblasts (black arrowheads) in an 18-week villus. F Trophoblast invagination (green arrowheads) forming a TI (arrow) with surrounding cytotrophoblasts (black arrowheads). Magnification bars all represent 50 μM. Panels B–E are all at the same magnification