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. 2005 May;187(9):3227–3237. doi: 10.1128/JB.187.9.3227-3237.2005



Spiral-shaped FtsZ filaments in sporogenic aerial hyphae of S. coelicolor. Fluorescence micrographs showing spiral-shaped FtsZ-EGFP filaments in sporogenic aerial hyphae of K202 (A, C, E, G). The micrographs were generated by deconvolving Z stacks of images, taken after about 35 h of development on MS agar. The hyphae shown in the separate micrographs originated from independent experiments. Each micrograph is a single image from a focal plane lying roughly in the middle of the cell after the blur was removed by deconvolution. The corresponding phase-contrast micrographs of the hyphae depicted in the fluorescence images are shown (B, D, F, H). One example is shown of fluorescence micrographs showing spiral-shaped FtsZ-EGFP filaments before (I) and after (J) being subjected to deconvolution. An example of immunolocalization of native FtsZ in sporogenic aerial hyphae of M145 is shown as a fluorescence (K) and a phase-contrast (L) micrograph. The arrowhead in panel G marks an example of a short spiral, and arrows in panels E and G indicate structures reminiscent of tilted Z rings. The nonfluorescent hyphae that are visible in some panels had not entered sporulation and therefore exhibit very little ftsZ expression. Size bar, 5 μm.