Percentage of active C1 (with free C5) vs
total furan content. The ratio obtained from HSQC is based on the
furan ring ratio, whereas the initial ratio from Pyr-GC/MS is on a
mass basis. In addition, a third ratio from the pyr-GC/MS data is
included where the molecular mass of the fragments is used to normalize
the masses. In short, on the sorting of pyr-GC/MS compounds: 2-(2-propenyl)-furan
(active), furfural (active), 4-(2-furanyl)-3-buten-2-one (active),
5-HMF, and (2-furancarboxaldehyde, 5-methyl). For the HSQC integration,
the carbons are measured as C4 for the “active”
furan by the signal at 7.28/106.38 ppm, whereas the signal at 7.53/122.86
ppm is integrated as C4 for the second type of furan.