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Μethodology |
Findings about HL |
1 |
Alzaye et al., 2019 [27] |
Australia |
Qualitative |
This study has provided insight into the notion that GPs who deal with CALD patients with asthma face more challenges, because of HL, among other factors. |
2 |
Atanasova et al., 2017 [28] |
Slovenia |
Qualitative |
HPs who engage in OHCs, as moderators perceive themselves as facilitators of patients and other OHC’s users' empowering processes and outcomes, among which is the improvement of their HL. |
3 |
Baars et al., 2017 [29] |
Germany |
Mixed methods |
The most important determinants for non-participation in genetic counseling were experienced difficulties in patient-doctor communication, limited HL etc. Patients and HPs experience significant language and HL difficulties, which make it harder to fully access health care such as genetic counseling and testing. |
4 |
Caiata-Zufferey & Schulz, 2012 [30] |
Switzerland |
Qualitative |
A typology of four communicative strategies has been outlined. The adoption of these strategies is shaped by physicians’ general attitude toward Internet-informed patients, based on their conception of medical information for lay people through the Internet. This general attitude is mediated by doctors’ interpretation of the specific communicative context, that is, their appraisal of three aspects, one of which is the patient's HL among others. |
5 |
Eraso, 2019 [31] |
Argentina |
Qualitative |
Factors influencing prescribing practices of hormonal therapy are varied. Women’s socio-economic status and their level of HL can affect oncologists’ prescribing practices. |
6 |
Faruqi et al., 2015 [32] |
Australia |
Mixed methods |
HPs described three approaches to preventive care, for primary care patients with low HL, which remained largely unchanged. They demonstrated recognition of the importance of better communication and referral support for patients with low HL. However, they identified fewer patients with low HL than anticipated, highlighting the need for increased attention to HPs’ attitudes in supporting these individuals. |
7 |
Hughson et al., 2018 [33] |
Australia |
Qualitative |
There are significant HL and systemic issues affecting the hospital’s provision of maternity care for CALD women. Emergent themes of HL-related issues were: patient-based factors (communication and cultural barriers, access issues); provider-based factors (time constraints, interpreter issues); and enablers (cultural awareness among staff, technology). |
8 |
Kaplan et al., 2016 [34] |
Qualitative |
The findings underscore the importance of the physician-patient relationship as a point of intervention to address the unmet informational and psychosocial needs of Latino cancer patients. Patients and HPs tended to differ on the value of print materials. HPs tended to view them as inadequate for meeting the informational needs of their Latino patients due to the challenge of low HL. HPs mentioned low HL as a barrier. |
9 |
Khuu et al., 2016 [35] |
Qualitative |
In order to investigate HPs' perspectives on the HL of immigrant and refugee parents and its association with children's health, six broad themes were identified: (1) multi-dimensional components of parental HL; (2) parent characteristics and native country experiences; (3) host systems and their interactions impact on parental HL; (4) diverse aspects of help-seeking; (5) culture-based parental help-seeking; and (6) child health outcomes. |
10 |
Lamb, 2018 [36] |
Qualitative |
Patient–physician shared decision making is bounded/limited by “nudging” bias, power balance considerations, and consideration of patient HL alignment. |
11 |
Lambert et al., 2014 [37] |
New Zealand, Australia & Canada |
Qualitative |
HPs have a limited understanding of HL and of the consequences of low HL for their indigenous patients. This lack of understanding combined with the perceived barriers to improving HL limit HPs’ ability to improve their indigenous patients’ HL skills. |
12 |
Litchfield et al., 2014 [38] |
UK |
Qualitative |
With the aim of understanding how laboratory test results are conveyed to patients in primary care and gathering insights on how the process can be enhanced, five primary themes emerged from the data. One of these themes pertains to the clinical impact of results and how patient characteristics, such as anxiety level or HL, influence the methods through which patients receive their test results. |
13 |
Oslislo et al., 2019 [39] |
Germany |
Qualitative |
With the aim to explore the GPs’ view regarding motives and competences of patients self-referring to emergency departments it became evident that counselling efforts by GP were described as crucial for improving HL. Physicians main criticism was notably directed at HL and patients’ competence to assess their own symptoms. |
14 |
Pennington et al., 2017 [40] |
Australia |
Qualitative |
Evaluating a woman's HL level is crucial, as it signifies the role she envisions for her GP in her engagement with diabetes preventative care following a pregnancy with gestational diabetes. |
15 |
Periyakoil et al., 2015 [41] |
Mixed methods |
One of the biggest doctor-reported barriers to effective end-of-life conversations was patients’ limited HL. |
16 |
Sadeghi et al., 2013 [42] |
Canada |
Qualitative |
The findings provide an increased understanding of patients’ and HPs’ perceptions of HL as a barrier to effective communication of medical information to patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease as well as approaches that might improve this communication. |
17 |
Salter et al., 2014 [43] |
UK |
Qualitative |
Gaps in conceptualization and expectations were revealed, reiterating deficiencies in predominant models for understanding HL and methodological shortcomings for this topic. Findings on factors perceived to foster and inhibit HL and on the issue of responsibility in HL. HPs had more heterogeneous views. All participants agreed that HL most benefited from good inter-personal communication and partnership. |
18 |
Schulman-Green et al., 2018 [44] |
Mixed methods |
Goals of care conversations may be facilitated by enabling oncologists to conduct these conversations despite difficult circumstances and emotional reactions by activating patients and family via increased HL and by advancing palliative-informed practice environments. |
19 |
Smith et al., 2014 [45] |
Australia |
Qualitative |
Radiation oncologists described subjectively assessing a person’s HL level by monitoring the types of questions asked; analyzing the language used; examining non-verbal behaviour, and considering a person’s socio-economic situation. Participants reported the challenges of discussing the subtleties of cancer treatments with lower HL groups. |
20 |
Walton et al., 2018 [46] |
UK |
Qualitative |
Socioeconomic deprivation influences GP referral decisions and navigation of the healthcare system in multiple ways. GPs perceived particular problems due to patients with lower HL in more deprived areas, making the identification of problems possibly needing referral more complex. |
21 |
Zafar et al., 2016 [47] |
Qualitative |
Some primary HPs reported using a uniform approach to communicate and manage incidental findings, while others adapted their approach to the patient and the finding. Sometimes patient characteristics such as HL superseded HPs characteristics. |
22 |
Zanini et al., 2019 [48] |
Switzerland |
Qualitative |
Building and maintaining a partnership with individuals with spinal cord injury to prevent and treat pressure injuries is crucial, but it is not an easy task HPs. Specific communication skills can help HPs. The HPs presented themselves as tutors during rehabilitation, in that they play a key role in educating patients and building HL for autonomous decision-making. |