Table 1.
Case | Breed | Sex | Age (years) | Site of origin | Presenting complaint | Benign/malignant | Histologic type | Treatment | Survival (days) | Cause of death | Necropsy | Recurrence or mets | Junctional activity |
1 | DSH | FS | 4 | Ventral to left nares | Dark, pigmented, Firm, solid | Benign | Epithelial | SX | 368 | NA—alive | NA—alive | No | No |
2 | Siam | M | 13 | Dorsal neck | Small black tumour, non-tender, fast growing | Benign | Epithelial | SX | LTF@181 | LTF | LTF | No | No |
3 | NK | NK | 10 | Right pinna | Acute onset of growth | Benign | Spindle | SX | 564 | NA—alive | NA—alive | No | No |
4 | DSH | F | NK | Right dorsolateral lumbar region | Unknown | Benign | Epithelial | SX | 725 | NA—alive | NA—alive | No | Yes |
5 | DHC | F | 17 | Back of right ear | Growth came up in last 3–4 months | Benign | Spindle | SX | LTF | LTF | LTF | LTF | Yes |
6 | DSH | MC | 6 | Left pinna | Small skin growth noted at time of dental | Benign | Epithelial | SX | 364 | Sudden death unrelated to tumour | Myocardial-endocardial fibrosis | No | Yes |
7 | Silver Tabby | FS | 15 | Dorsal muzzle, caudal to nose | Previous diagnosis of apocrine cysts, recurrent | Benign | Epithelial | SX | 1003 | Euthanasia unrelated to tumour | Not done | No | Yes |
8 | DLH | FS | 14 | Left front 5th digit | Erythema and alopecia over digit | Benign | Spindle | SX, carboplatin | 356 | Euthanasia related to tumour | Not done | Suspected recurrence and solitary lung met; no histopath confirmation | Yes |
9 | DSH | F | 12 | Dorsum of head | Slow-growing black dermal mass | Benign | Spindle | SX | 969 | Euthanasia unrelated to tumour | Not done | No | No |
10 | DSH | MC | 11 | Plantar surface of left rear limb | Fast growing subcutaneous mass | Malignant | Spindle | Mid-femoral amputation | 577 | NA–alive | NA—alive | No | Yes |
11 | DSH | F | 17 | Digit, left front paw | Non-weight bearing left forelimb, lytic lesion on X-rays, painful | Malignant | Balloon cell | Euthanasia | 0 | Euthanasia related to tumour | Hepatic nodules and uterine polyps | Metastasis to liver | Cannot be determined |
12 | DSH | FS | 12 | Right ear margin | Lump on ear | Malignant | Spindle | SX | 422 | Euthanasia related to tumour | Not done | Recurrence and lymph node metastasis | Cannot be determined |
13 | DSH | FS | 3 | Palmar surface of left front foot | Owner noticed blood on bed | Malignant | Epithelial | SX | LTF@275 | LTF | LTF | LTF | Yes |
14 | DSH | FS | 9.5 | Dorsum, above shoulder | 1 month duration with slow growth | Malignant | Epithelial | SX | 674 | NA—alive | NA—alive | No | Yes |
15 | DLH | MC | 11 | Left external nares | Inflammatory lesion of several months duration | Malignant | Epithelial | SX | 40 | Euthanasia | Not taken | No | Yes |
16 | DSH | FS | 18 | Lateral thorax | Large mass on thorax | Malignant | Spindle | SX | 16 | NA—alive | NA—alive | No | Yes |
17 | DSH | FS | 18 | Nasal planum | Rapidly growing and bleeding mass | Malignant | Spindle | SX | LTF@205 | LTF | LTF | Local recurrence at 4 and 6 months | Yes |
18 | Maine coon | FS | 2 | Right lateral thigh | Recurrent after excision | Malignant | Epithelial | SX, RTX d0,7,21, doxorubicin, carboplatin, melphalan | 122 | Euthanasia—progressive dz | Not done | Multiple skin masses and inguinal lymphadenopathy | No |
19 | DLH | FS | 12 | Right forepaw large pad | Recurrent after sx, prescap lymph node metastasis, anorexia, lethargy | Malignant | Epithelial | SX originally, carboplatin approx. 140 d after sx | Approx. 150 | Euthanasia—progressive dz | Mets to prescap In, liver, spleen, no evidence of dz on foot pad | Mets to prescap In, liver, spleen, recurrent after original sx | No |
20 | DLH | FS | 10 | Oral mass-maxillary | Recurrence and pulmonary metastasis | Malignant | Epithelial | SX originally, carboplatin approx 195 d after sx; Taxol® | Approx. 365 | Progressive dz | Not done | Multiple skin and lung masses, palpable renal masses, midabd mass palpable | Yes |
21 | NK | MC | 7 | Unknown skin location | Skin mass found during grooming | Benign | Epithelial | SX | Alive | NA—alive | NA—alive | No | Yes |
22 | Maine coon | FS | 12 | Oral mass-maxillary | Mass detected at routine dental prophylaxis | Benign | Epithelial | Radiation therapy, chemotherapy pending | Alive | NA—alive | NA—alive | No | No |
23 | DSH | MC | 10 | Oral mass-maxillary | Mass detected at routine dental prophylaxis | Malignant | Spindle | Radiation therapy | Alive | NA—alive | NA—alive | Large recurrent/progressive mass | Yes |
DSH, domestic short hair. DLH, domestic long hair. Siam, Siamese. NK, not known. F, female. M, male. LTF, lost to follow-up. NA, not applicable. SX, surgery