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. 2016 Jun 25;2(4):173–181. doi: 10.1053/jfms.2000.0092

Table 1.

Data summary for 23 cats with non-ocular melanoma

Case Breed Sex Age (years) Site of origin Presenting complaint Benign/malignant Histologic type Treatment Survival (days) Cause of death Necropsy Recurrence or mets Junctional activity
1 DSH FS 4 Ventral to left nares Dark, pigmented, Firm, solid Benign Epithelial SX 368 NA—alive NA—alive No No
2 Siam M 13 Dorsal neck Small black tumour, non-tender, fast growing Benign Epithelial SX LTF@181 LTF LTF No No
3 NK NK 10 Right pinna Acute onset of growth Benign Spindle SX 564 NA—alive NA—alive No No
4 DSH F NK Right dorsolateral lumbar region Unknown Benign Epithelial SX 725 NA—alive NA—alive No Yes
5 DHC F 17 Back of right ear Growth came up in last 3–4 months Benign Spindle SX LTF LTF LTF LTF Yes
6 DSH MC 6 Left pinna Small skin growth noted at time of dental Benign Epithelial SX 364 Sudden death unrelated to tumour Myocardial-endocardial fibrosis No Yes
7 Silver Tabby FS 15 Dorsal muzzle, caudal to nose Previous diagnosis of apocrine cysts, recurrent Benign Epithelial SX 1003 Euthanasia unrelated to tumour Not done No Yes
8 DLH FS 14 Left front 5th digit Erythema and alopecia over digit Benign Spindle SX, carboplatin 356 Euthanasia related to tumour Not done Suspected recurrence and solitary lung met; no histopath confirmation Yes
9 DSH F 12 Dorsum of head Slow-growing black dermal mass Benign Spindle SX 969 Euthanasia unrelated to tumour Not done No No
10 DSH MC 11 Plantar surface of left rear limb Fast growing subcutaneous mass Malignant Spindle Mid-femoral amputation 577 NA–alive NA—alive No Yes
11 DSH F 17 Digit, left front paw Non-weight bearing left forelimb, lytic lesion on X-rays, painful Malignant Balloon cell Euthanasia 0 Euthanasia related to tumour Hepatic nodules and uterine polyps Metastasis to liver Cannot be determined
12 DSH FS 12 Right ear margin Lump on ear Malignant Spindle SX 422 Euthanasia related to tumour Not done Recurrence and lymph node metastasis Cannot be determined
13 DSH FS 3 Palmar surface of left front foot Owner noticed blood on bed Malignant Epithelial SX LTF@275 LTF LTF LTF Yes
14 DSH FS 9.5 Dorsum, above shoulder 1 month duration with slow growth Malignant Epithelial SX 674 NA—alive NA—alive No Yes
15 DLH MC 11 Left external nares Inflammatory lesion of several months duration Malignant Epithelial SX 40 Euthanasia Not taken No Yes
16 DSH FS 18 Lateral thorax Large mass on thorax Malignant Spindle SX 16 NA—alive NA—alive No Yes
17 DSH FS 18 Nasal planum Rapidly growing and bleeding mass Malignant Spindle SX LTF@205 LTF LTF Local recurrence at 4 and 6 months Yes
18 Maine coon FS 2 Right lateral thigh Recurrent after excision Malignant Epithelial SX, RTX d0,7,21, doxorubicin, carboplatin, melphalan 122 Euthanasia—progressive dz Not done Multiple skin masses and inguinal lymphadenopathy No
19 DLH FS 12 Right forepaw large pad Recurrent after sx, prescap lymph node metastasis, anorexia, lethargy Malignant Epithelial SX originally, carboplatin approx. 140 d after sx Approx. 150 Euthanasia—progressive dz Mets to prescap In, liver, spleen, no evidence of dz on foot pad Mets to prescap In, liver, spleen, recurrent after original sx No
20 DLH FS 10 Oral mass-maxillary Recurrence and pulmonary metastasis Malignant Epithelial SX originally, carboplatin approx 195 d after sx; Taxol® Approx. 365 Progressive dz Not done Multiple skin and lung masses, palpable renal masses, midabd mass palpable Yes
21 NK MC 7 Unknown skin location Skin mass found during grooming Benign Epithelial SX Alive NA—alive NA—alive No Yes
22 Maine coon FS 12 Oral mass-maxillary Mass detected at routine dental prophylaxis Benign Epithelial Radiation therapy, chemotherapy pending Alive NA—alive NA—alive No No
23 DSH MC 10 Oral mass-maxillary Mass detected at routine dental prophylaxis Malignant Spindle Radiation therapy Alive NA—alive NA—alive Large recurrent/progressive mass Yes

DSH, domestic short hair. DLH, domestic long hair. Siam, Siamese. NK, not known. F, female. M, male. LTF, lost to follow-up. NA, not applicable. SX, surgery