Fig. 8.
VNS-mediated CPT1α/β and Glut1/4 expression in the infarcted heart involves SDF-1α. a Typical immunostaining image of CPT1α/β and Glut1/4 in the infarction area and peri-infarction area of infarcted heart treated with knockdown of SDF-1α by shRNA (Ad-shSDF-1) before VNS. Brownish yellow indicates CPT1α/β or Glut1/4; hematoxylin-stained nucleus. b, c Semiquantitative analysis of CPT1α/β (b) and Glut1/4 (c) levels in the infarcted hearts. *P < 0.05 vs. Sham; # P < 0.05 vs. MI; & P < 0.05 vs. VNS (n = 12)