FIG. 7.
Vβ-specific activation (A and B) and expansion (C and D) of human T lymphocytes. PBMC (2 × 105) were stimulated with 1 μg of exoenzyme S (A and C) or SEE (B and D) per ml for 4 h. Cells were labeled with anti-CD69-PE/anti-CD3-PerCP and one of the FITC-conjugated Vβ-specific MAbs. The net percentage of cells within each Vβ family that expressed CD69 was determined by subtracting the CD69 expression of unstimulated cultures from exoenzyme S (A)- or SEE (B)-stimulated cultures. Four separate experiments are shown. After 7 days, cultured cells were labeled with anti-Vβ-specific MAb. Vβ expression is shown after 4 h and 7 days of culture for unstimulated and exoenzyme S-stimulated (C) cultures as well as for SEE-stimulated cultures (D). The means ± standard error of the means of four separate experiments are shown.