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. 2022 Sep 16;1:10722. doi: 10.3389/jaws.2022.10722


Preoperative patient assessment, risk factor recognition and options for patient prehabilitation to reduce the risk of postoperative complications following abdominal wall reconstruction.

Preoperative patient assessment
Comprehensive medical history Including symptoms, drug use, and previous abdominal operations and AWR (request original surgical reports)
Physical examination In standing and supine position: number of hernias, size, location, LOD (Valsalva maneuver), wounds, stomas, fistulas, amount and quality of skin
Radiological imaging Contrast enhanced CT imaging, maximum 6 months old and performed after the last intra-abdominal operation or drainage a
Hernia classification systems
EHS, mVHWG, and HPW classification
Patient risk factors Prehabilitation options
Smoking Cessation at least 4 weeks prior to AWR
Consider nicotine replacement therapy
Diabetes Personal assessment by GP or diabetes specialist
Target HbA1c <7.0% (153 mg/dl)
HbA1c > 8.0% (185 mg/dl): postpone elective reconstruction
Obesity BMI 30–40: personalized weight loss interventions
BMI >40: consider bariatric surgery first
BMI >50: AWR is advised against; bariatric surgery may be an option
Cardiopulmonary disease Specialist referral with personalized assessment (CPET) and optimization
Malnutrition Consider (temporary) enteral or parenteral feeding
Monitor the effect by weight gain, electrolyte and albumin level
Anticoagulative and/or immunosuppressive drugs Consider consultation of the prescribing physician to discuss the continuation/discontinuation, or bridging therapy
Hernia and Wound risk factors Prehabilitation options
Large fascial defect (>10–15 cm) or large LOD (>15%–20%) Consider preoperative botulinum toxin b , surgical tissue expanders, and/or PPP (only in highly selected cases)
Intestinal fistula(s) Wound care: consider fistula adaptor/wound manager
AWR: ≥6–9 months after the last intra-abdominal procedure
High-output reduction (reduced oral intake, medication (TPN if needed)
Active contamination (e.g., active wound infection, acute mesh infection) Bioburden reduction as the first step whenever possible (consider the use of V.A.C VeraFlo™)

Abbreviations: LOD, loss of domain; EHS, European hernia society; mVHWG, modified Ventral Hernia Working Grade; HPW, hernia patient wound; GP, general practitioner; CPET, cardiopulmonary exercise testing; PPP, progressive pneumoperitoneum; TPN, total parenteral nutrition.


Except for small primary midline hernia.


There is currently no consensus on the indication of botulinum toxin prior to AWR.