Trafficking of miRNAs on cytoskeleton associated with the perinuclear region
(A) Accumulation of introduced miRNA in the perinuclear region (PNR). Confocal fluorescence images of BODYPY-TR-labeled ceramide (left), let-7a-1 pre-miRNA (Cy5-labeled guide strand, middle), and their merged image (right).
(B) Cytoskeleton-dependent outflow of miRNA from the perinuclear region (PNR). The proportion of fluorescence intensity of let-7a-1 pre-miRNA (Cy3-labeled guide strand) in the PNR relative to that of the whole cell at 2 and 60 min after introduction into the cytoplasm of living cells. UT, MT–, Actin–, and MT–/Actin– indicate untreated cells, cells with microtubule disruption, cells with actin filament disruption, and cells with both microtubule and actin filament disruption, respectively. ∗∗p < 0.01; t-test. Error bars represent SD [n = 6 cells (UT), 3 cells (MT–), 4 cells (Actin–), 4 cells (MT–/Actin–)].