Reverse transcription accelerates capsid integrity
loss but
does not affect the lag time between integrity loss and uncoating.
(A) Waiting times for all CA*:Gag-iYFP integrity loss and uncoating
events with DMSO, 10 μM NVP, and 10 μM RAL treatment.
Median and interquartile range are plotted. Average integrity loss
and uncoating times are displayed above each column with standard
deviations. Temporal resolution is ∼11 min per frame. (B) Uncoating efficiency of DMSO and NVP treated cells, with
19.1% reduction in NVP treated CA*iYFP cores, with minimal effect
with RAL present. (C) Cumulative distributions of the
integrity loss and terminal uncoating lag times in DMSO, NVP, and
RAL treated cells. Statistical analysis of data performed with Mann–Whitney
rank sum test.