Table 1.
Author, publication year | Study area | Main inclusion criteria | Main exclusion criteria | Intervention | Control | Live birth rate (HSC/Control) |
Clinical pregnancy rate (HSC/Control) |
Conclusion |
Demirol et al. (2004) | Single center in Turkey | ≥ 2 previous implantation failure | Outpatient HSC (N = 210) | Immediate IVF (N = 211) | NA | 32.1%/21.5% | HSC improves PR. | |
Raju et al. (2006) | Single clinic in India | ≥ 2 previous implantation failure | Outpatient HSC (N = 265) | Immediate IVF (N = 255) | 28.5%/16.8% | 43.1%/26.3% | HSC improves LBR and PR. | |
Shawki et al. (2012) | Single center in Egypt | For first or further ICSI | Outpatient HSC (N = 105) | Immediate IVF (N = 110) | 37.8%/28.0% | 44.4%/30.0% | HSC improves PR but does not improve LBR. | |
Elsetohy et al. (2015) | Single center in Egypt | For first ICSI | Recurrent miscarriage | Outpatient HSC (N = 97) | Immediate IVF (N = 96) | 59.8%/34.4% | 70.1%/45.8% | HSC improves LBR and PR. |
Alleyassin et al. (2015) | Single center in Iran | For first ICSI | Recurrent miscarriage | Outpatient HSC (N = 110) | Immediate IVF (N = 110) | NA | 48.2%/38.2% | HSC improves PR. |
Smit et al. (2016) | Multicenter in Netherlands | For first IVF or ICSI | ≥ 2 miscarriages | Outpatient HSC (N = 369) | Immediate IVF (N = 373) | 54.5%/52.3% | NA | HSC does not improve LBR. |
El-Toukhy et al. (2016) | Multicenter in UK, Belgium, Italy, Czech Republic |
Age < 38 y/o 2–4 times previous implantation failure |
BMI > 35 kg/m² ≥ 37 y/o with < 8 oocytes retrieved previously |
Outpatient HSC (N = 350) | Immediate IVF (N = 352) | 31.6%/33.1% | 37.9%/37.9% | HSC does not improve LBR or PR. |
Abid et al. (2021) | Single center in Tunisia |
Age < 40 y/o BMI ≤ 30 kg/m² For first IVF |
Outpatient HSC (N = 84) | Immediate IVF (N = 87) | 25.0%/19.3% | 32.4%/28.9% | HSC does not improve LBR or PR. | |
Pounikar et al. (2022) | Two centers in India |
Age < 45 y/o ≥ 1 previous implantation failure |
First time IVF | Outpatient HSC (N = 90) | Immediate IVF (N = 90) | NA | 30.0%/23.3% | HSC improves PR. |
Ghasemi et al. (2022) | Single center in Iran |
Age ≤ 40 year For first IVF |
≥ 3 miscarriage | Outpatient HSC and irritation of uterine cavity (N = 109) | Immediate IVF (N = 119) | 57.8%/47.9% | 63.3%/58.0% | HSC improves cumulative LBR. |
HSC, hysteroscopy; PR, clinical pregnancy rate; LBR, live birth rate; ICSI, intracytoplasmic sperm injection; IVF, in vitro fertilization