Comparison of proportion of donors in blood pressure and total cholesterol temporal pattern subgroups, stratified by incident SISV status. (A) Distribution of maximum and minimum values of total cholesterol (mg/dL) and blood pressure (mmHg) among participants (ndonors=13,930), stratified by subgroups on the basis of temporal patterns of total cholesterol and blood pressure during the study period. (B) The proportions of participants categorized as consistently hypertensive (elevated blood pressure at every study time point), consistently normotensive (normotensive blood pressure at every study time point), and intermittently hypertensive across time points were compared by incident SISV status over the study period. (C) Percentages in temporal cholesterol pattern subgroups were compared by incident SISV status. Individuals with intermittently high total cholesterol included those with high or borderline high at some but not all of their study visits (donations).
p-value of Mantel–Haenszel chi-square test statistic are reported. *p<0.05 and **p<0.01.
SISV, SARS-CoV-2 infection among those with serologic evidence of vaccination.