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. 2023 Oct 14;8(1):102016. doi: 10.1016/j.cdnut.2023.102016


Baseline characteristics of randomly selected (N = 44,120) adolescents who participated in the National School Malaria and Nutrition Survey in Tanzania, 2019

Background characteristic Frequency Percent
 Male 22,486 51.0
 Female 21,634 49.0
Age, y
 10–14 39,863 90.4
 15–19 4257 9.6
 Rural 32,808 74.4
 Urban 11,312 25.6
Height for age (HAZ < −2 SD)
 Normal 29,963 68.0
 Stunted 14,076 32.0
BMI for age
 Thin 6049 13.8
 Overweight 1856 4.2
 Normal 36,011 82.0
Anemia status by hemoglobin level1
 Anemic 5207 34.1
 Normal 10,067 65.9
Dietary Quality Score among participants
 Poor 16,653 37.7
 Medium 14,475 32.8
 High 12,992 29.5

Anemia based on hemoglobin level was assessed in a subsample (one-third of total sample).