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. 2024 Jan 31;56(1):2307502. doi: 10.1080/07853890.2024.2307502

Table 4.

Scheffe test Comparison of differences in internet addiction based on time spent on the internet every day and GPA (performance).

Variables (J) Number of children Mean Difference (I-J) Std. Error Sig. 95% Confidence Interval
Lower Bound Upper Bound
Time spends on the Internet every day        
 ≤3 h 4–5 h −9.4477* 2.2235 .00 −14.9197 −3.9756
≥6 h −27.6425* 2.2972 .00 −33.2960 −21.9891
 4–5 h ≤3 h 9.4477* 2.2235 .00 3.9756 14.9197
≥6 h −18.1949* 1.6325 .00 −22.2126 −14.1772
 ≥6 h ≤3 h 27.6425* 2.2972 .00 21.9891 33.2960
4–5 h 18.1949* 1.6325 .00 14.1772 22.2126
GPA (performance)            
 ≤ 3.9 4-4.4 −10.1541* 1.7282 .00 −14.4073 −5.9009
> 4.5 −30.8764* 2.01573 .00 −35.8370 −25.9157
 4-4.4 ≤ 3.9 10.1541* 1.72827 .00 5.9009 14.4073
> 4.5 −20.7223* 1.90956 .00 −25.4216 −16.0230
 > 4.5 ≤ 3.9 −30.8764* 2.01573 .00 25.9157 35.8370
4-4.4 −20.7223* 1.90956 .00 16.0230 25.4216

The mean difference is significant at the .05 level.