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. 2023 Dec 14;102(1):e207815. doi: 10.1212/WNL.0000000000207815

Table 4.

Diagnostic Performances of Single and Combined D-PSG and MSLT Parameters

Parameters Correctly classification, % AUC, % (95% CI) AIC BIC
d-TST >60 min 74 70 (56–82) 152.6 158.4
dn-NAP ≥2 76 75 (61–87) 148.7 154.5
d-SOREMP ≥2 71 76 (62–88) 135.4 141.2
d-SOREMP ≥1 89 88 (76–96) 96.7 102.5
d-SOREMP ≥1 + dn-NAP ≥2 89 90 (81–96) 96.1 104.7
d-SOREMP ≥1 + d-TST >60 min 89 91 (82–96) 93.7 102.4
d-SOREMP ≥1 + d-TST >60 min + dn-NAP ≥2 89 91 (82–96) 94.9 106.4
MSLT-ICSD 93 93 (86–97) 67.2 72.9
MSLT-Neurology 91 89 (80–95) 80.0 85.8

Abbreviations: AIC = Akaike information criterion; AUC = area under the ROC curve; BIC = Bayesian information criterion; d = daytime; dn-NAP = number of daytime naps; D-PSG = daytime polysomnography; ICSD = International Classification of Sleep Disorder; MSLT = multiple sleep latency test; ROC = receiver operating characteristic; SOREMP = sleep-onset REM period; TST = total sleep time.

“Correctly classified patients (%),” AUC with 95% CI (%), AIC and BIC in the predictive logistic models using the D-PSG markers (individually and in combination) for group 1, MSLT-ICSD and MSLT-neurology criteria14 as independent variables, and the reference standard as dependent variable for the whole data set.