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. 2023;16(4):378–385. doi: 10.22037/ghfbb.v16i4.2690

Table 1.

EUS description of SELs (6)

Subepithelial lesion Layer of origin Ultrasound characteristics Common location
Duplication cyst Submucosa Sharp and anechoic, without Doppler signal Anywhere in the GI tract
Varices Submucosa Serpiginous and sharp with anechoic echotexture, without Doppler signal Anywhere in the GI tract
Lymphangiomas Submucosa Sharp and anechoic with internal septa, without Doppler signal Anywhere in the GI tract
Granular cell tumors Muscularis mucosa, Submucosa Variable border with heterogenous hypoechoic with variable borders Esophagus
Neuroendocrine neoplasm Muscularis mucosa, Submucosa Sharp border with various echotextures Stomach, small bowel, rectum
Pancreatic rest Submucosa, Muscularis propria Indistinguishable border with heterogenous hypoechoic echotexture, Cysts and ducts in central umbilication Commonly antrum then, Gastric body and Duodenum
Leiomyoma Muscularis mucosa, Muscularis propria Sharp border with homogenous hypoechoic echotexture Esophagus, Stomach, Other parts of GI tract
GIST low-risk Muscularis propria, rarely muscularis mucosa and submucosa Sharp border with heterogenous hypoechoic echotexture Stomach, Small intestine, Esophagus, Rectum
GIST high-risk Muscularis propria, rarely muscularis mucosa and submucosa Irregular border with heterogenous hypoechoic echotexture with cysts or echogenic foci Stomach, Small intestine, Esophagus, Rectum
Schwannoma Muscularis propria Sharp border with homogenous hypoechoic echotexture, sometimes with marginal halo Stomach
Lymphoma Muscularis mucosa, Submucosa, Muscularis propria Irregular border with hypoechoic echotexture Stomach, Small intestine
Glomus tumor Submucosa, Muscularis propria Sharp border with variable echotexture,
Hyper vascular with internal echo
Anywhere in the GI tract
Endometriosis Muscularis propria, Serosa Irregular border with heterogenous hypoechoic echotexture with extension into the rectovaginal septum Rectum, Sigmoid colon
Lipoma Submucosa Sharp border with homogenous hyperechoic echotexture Anywhere in the GI tract
Brunner gland Muscularis mucosa, Submucosa Sharp border with homogenous iso-hyperechoic sometimes with ducts Bulb
Metastasis Any layer Irregular border with hypoechoic echotexture Anywhere in the GI tract