Table 1.
EUS description of SELs (6)
Subepithelial lesion | Layer of origin | Ultrasound characteristics | Common location |
Duplication cyst | Submucosa | Sharp and anechoic, without Doppler signal | Anywhere in the GI tract |
Varices | Submucosa | Serpiginous and sharp with anechoic echotexture, without Doppler signal | Anywhere in the GI tract |
Lymphangiomas | Submucosa | Sharp and anechoic with internal septa, without Doppler signal | Anywhere in the GI tract |
Granular cell tumors | Muscularis mucosa, Submucosa | Variable border with heterogenous hypoechoic with variable borders | Esophagus |
Neuroendocrine neoplasm | Muscularis mucosa, Submucosa | Sharp border with various echotextures | Stomach, small bowel, rectum |
Pancreatic rest | Submucosa, Muscularis propria | Indistinguishable border with heterogenous hypoechoic echotexture, Cysts and ducts in central umbilication | Commonly antrum then, Gastric body and Duodenum |
Leiomyoma | Muscularis mucosa, Muscularis propria | Sharp border with homogenous hypoechoic echotexture | Esophagus, Stomach, Other parts of GI tract |
GIST low-risk | Muscularis propria, rarely muscularis mucosa and submucosa | Sharp border with heterogenous hypoechoic echotexture | Stomach, Small intestine, Esophagus, Rectum |
GIST high-risk | Muscularis propria, rarely muscularis mucosa and submucosa | Irregular border with heterogenous hypoechoic echotexture with cysts or echogenic foci | Stomach, Small intestine, Esophagus, Rectum |
Schwannoma | Muscularis propria | Sharp border with homogenous hypoechoic echotexture, sometimes with marginal halo | Stomach |
Lymphoma | Muscularis mucosa, Submucosa, Muscularis propria | Irregular border with hypoechoic echotexture | Stomach, Small intestine |
Glomus tumor | Submucosa, Muscularis propria | Sharp border with variable echotexture, Hyper vascular with internal echo |
Anywhere in the GI tract |
Endometriosis | Muscularis propria, Serosa | Irregular border with heterogenous hypoechoic echotexture with extension into the rectovaginal septum | Rectum, Sigmoid colon |
Lipoma | Submucosa | Sharp border with homogenous hyperechoic echotexture | Anywhere in the GI tract |
Brunner gland | Muscularis mucosa, Submucosa | Sharp border with homogenous iso-hyperechoic sometimes with ducts | Bulb |
Metastasis | Any layer | Irregular border with hypoechoic echotexture | Anywhere in the GI tract |