Figure 4. Activation and differentiation pathways of HS KCs are driven by local cytokines.
(A) UMAP plot showing 16,986 KCs colored by maturation state. B, basal KCs; S, spinous KCs; SS, supraspinous KCs. (B) UMAP plot showing the KCs colored by disease condition. (C) Heatmap showing marker genes with the highest fold change for each subtype. NS, healthy control. (D) Dot plot showing the top 15 differentially expressed genes comparing HS with NS in the basal (left), spinous (middle), and supraspinous (right) layers. The color scale represents the scaled expression, and the size of the dot represents the percentage of KCs expressing each gene. (E) Violin plots showing the cytokine module scores in the KC subtypes, split for HS (red) and NS (green). (F) Pseudotime trajectory colored by the subtype identity of HS KCs. (G) Pseudotime trajectory colored by the pseudotime of the HS KCs. Dark blue represents early; light blue represents late. (H) Scatterplot showing the correlation between upstream regulators for HS and NS KCs. (I) Scatterplot showing the correlation between HS-derived KC pseudotimes and module scores for IL-17A, IL-22, IL-1A, and IL-6, calculated using genes induced in cultured KCs stimulated by individual cytokines. The color represents the pseudotime subtype identity of the cell.