MXene-based materials for ORR
(A and B) Fe Mössbauer transmission spectra and their deconvolution of pristine FePc and FePc/Ti3C2Tx.
(C) X-band ESR spectra of pristine Ti3C2Tx, FePc, and FePc/Ti3C2Tx.
(D) Schematic representation of the spin transition of partial Fe(II) on Ti3C2Tx.82 Copyright 2018 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim.
(E) LSV curves of different catalysts.
(F) The open-circuit voltage and peak power density at different temperatures.
(G) The free energy changes for ORR and (H) the PDOS of Fe 3d orbital for FeN3O and FeN3O-O-Ti. The blue dotted lines denote the d-band centers, while the gray dotted line denotes the Fermi level.4 Copyright 2022 Wiley-VCH GmbH.
(I) In situ reconstruction of Mo2CTx:Fe catalyst during reaction.
(J) Anodic-going polarization curves for the electrodes with deposited Mo2CTx:Fe or Mo2CTx.
(K) XRD patterns of Fh/C that indicate the presence of graphite and graphite oxide phases. The inset shows a SEM image of the Fh/C material (the scale bar is 1 μm).84 Copyright 2021 American Chemical Society