Fig. 2. (A) Telomere length of both p- and q-arms, as well as the average of both arms (average p+q) from chromosome Y, chromosome 2, as well as all chromosomes, are represented. Standard errors are also included; however, some of the errors are so small (see Table I) that the error bars are not visible. (B) Illustrative images of combined Q-FISH and chromosome 2 painting. For each case represented, both chromosome 2 are shown (mice numbers 1, 2, 4 and 6). Notice undetectable chr2-telomeres in the G3 Terc–/– father (number 1), as well as in the G4 Terc–/– sibling (number 4). The G4 Terc+/– sibling (number 6) and the Terc+/– mother (number 2) show detectable chr2-telomeres.