#1 |
(MH “Cardiovascular Diseases+”) OR “cardiovascular disease*” OR “coronary disease” OR “coronary heart disease” OR “CVD” OR “MI” OR “myocardial infarction” OR (MH “Myocardial Ischemia”) OR “myocardial ischemia” OR “myocardial ischaemia” |
#2 |
“risk” |
#3 |
“absolute” OR “global” OR “total” OR “Framingham” OR “office based” OR “office-based” OR “non-laboratory” OR “non-laboratory” OR “IDEAL” OR “SCORE” |
#4 |
“American College of Cardiology” AND “American Heart Association” |
#5 |
#3 OR #4 |
#6 |
#2 AND #5 |
#7 |
#8 |
#6 OR #7 |
#9 |
(MH “Community Health Services”) OR (MH “Preventive Health Care”) OR “prevent*” OR (MH “Primary Health Care”) OR “primary care” OR (MH “Health Screening”) OR “screening” OR “community” OR “neighborhood” OR “program*” |
#10 |
(MH “Behavioral Changes”) OR (MH “Body Mass Index”) OR (MH “Cardiovascular Risk Factors”) OR (MH “Coronary Prone Behavior”) OR (MH “Counseling”) OR “diet” OR “dietary” OR “Exercise” OR “exercise” OR (MH “Health Behavior”) OR (MH “Health Screening”) OR (MH “Life Style”) OR “life style” OR (MH “Life Style Changes”) OR “lifestyle” OR (MH “Physical Activity”) OR “physical activity” OR “risk appraisal” OR (MH “Risk Assessment”) OR (MH “Risk Factors”) OR (MH “Health Screening”) OR “screening” OR (MH “Smoking”) OR (MH “Smoking Cessation”) OR (MH “Smoking Cessation Programs”) OR “smoking “ OR “smoking cessation” OR (MH “Walking”) OR “walking” OR (MH “Weight Control “) OR (MH “Weight Loss”) OR “weight loss” OR (MH “Weight Reduction Programs “) OR (MH “Yoga”) OR “yoga” |
#11 |
(MH “Outcome Assessment”) OR (MH “Outcomes (Health Care)”) OR “risk management” OR “risk reduction” OR (MH “Smoking”) OR (MH “Smoking Cessation”) OR “Weight Loss” OR “weight loss” OR “weight reduction” |
#12 |
#1 AND #8 AND #9 AND #10 AND #11 |
Results retrieved: 401 |