#1 |
MeSH descriptor: [Cardiovascular Diseases] explode all trees |
#2 |
MeSH descriptor: [Risk] this term only |
#3 |
risk in Trials |
#4 |
absolute or “global” or “total” or “Framingham” or “office based” or “office-based” or “non-laboratory” or “non-laboratory” or “IDEAL” or “SCORE” in Trials |
#5 |
American College of Cardiology and “American Heart Association” in Trials |
#6 |
#2 or #3 |
#7 |
#6 and (#4 or #5) |
#8 |
FR-10 or “FRS” or “ACC/AHA “ or “QRISK” or “PROCAM” or “REYNOLDS” or “WHO/ISH” in Trials |
#9 |
#7 or #8 |
#10 |
community or “neighborhood” or “prevent” or “prevents” or “prevention” or “primary care” or “program” or “screening” in Trials |
#11 |
MeSH descriptor: [Mass Screening] explode all trees |
#12 |
MeSH descriptor: [Primary Health Care] explode all trees |
#13 |
MeSH descriptor: [Primary Prevention] explode all trees |
#14 |
#10 or #11 or #12 or #13 in Trials |
#15 |
[mh “Body Weight”] or [mh Exercise] or [mh “Health Behavior”] or [mh “Life Style”] or [mh “Risk Assessment”] or [mh “Risk Management”] or [mh “Risk Reduction Behavior”] or [mh Smoking] or [mh “Smoking Cessation”] or [mh Walking] or [mh “Weight Loss”] or [mh “Mass Screening”] or [mh “Risk Assessment”] in Trials |
#16 |
behavior or behavioral or behaviour or behavioural or diet or dietary or exercise or life style or lifestyle or physical activit* or risk appraisal or smoking or smoking cessation or walking or weight loss or screening in Trials |
#17 |
#15 or #16 in Trials |
#18 |
[mh “Outcome Assessment”] or [mh “Patient Outcome Assessment”] or [mh Smoking] or [mh “Smoking Cessation”] or [mh Walking] or [mh “Weight Loss”] or [mh “Risk Management”] in Trials |
#19 |
outcome or “outcomes” or “smoking” or “smoking cessation” or “walking” or “weight loss” or “weight reduction” in Trials |
#20 |
#18 or #19 in Trials |
#21 |
#1 and #9 and #14 and #17 and #20 in Trials |
#22 |
[mh Child] or [mh infant] in Trials |
#23 |
[mh Adult] in Trials |
#24 |
#22 not #23 in Trials |
#25 |
#21 not #24 |
Results retrieved: 296 |