Figure 2. L. iners induces treatment resistance in vitro.
A) Workflow for the establishment and maintenance of patient-derived organoids (PDO) and B188 primary cells.
B) Positive staining of PDOs B1188 with antibodies for anti-P63 and anti-Ki67, together with decreased expression of the differentiation marker staining of anti-CK13 antibody and PAS, confirming squamous carcinoma origin. Positive staining of anti-panCK marker demonstrates primary cancer cell origin. Scale bars,100 μm
C) Bright view of PDO B1188 pretreated with cancer-derived L. iners (CC-L. iners) cell-free supernatant (CFS) vs. control (NYC Broth) followed by 4Gy irradiation. Scale bars,1 mm
D) Histogram of organoid size and count (percentage of total counted) for organoids from PDO B1188 pretreated with CC-L. iners CFS (red) vs. non-cancer derived L. iners (NC-L. iners; pink) vs. control (NYC Broth; grey) followed by 4Gy irradiation.
E) Cell viability (measured by CellTiter Glo) of irradiated organoids from PDO B1188 pretreated with CC-L. iners cell-free supernatant (CFS) vs. control (NYC Broth) followed by 4Gy and 8Gy irradiation. 2 experiments, 3 replicates. One way ANOVA (CFS vs. control).
F) B1188 cell viability after irradiation.
G) HeLa cell viability after irradiation.
H) SiHa cell viability after irradiation.
I) CaSki cell viability after irradiation.
J) B1188 cell viability after gemcitabine (GEM) treatment.
K) B1188 cell viability after cisplatin (CIS) and 2Gy irradiation.
L) B1188 cell viability after 5-fluorouracil (5-FU).
M) B1188 cell viability after GEM and 2Gy irradiation.
N) B1188 cell viability after CIS + 2Gy irradiation.
O) B1188 cell viability after = 5-FU and 2 Gy.
P) B1188 cell viability with UV-killed bacterial fragments and IR.
1 experiment, 3 replicates. Cell viability (measured by CellTiter Glo) following pretreatment of cells with control (NYC Broth), NC-L. iners CFS or CC-L. iners CFS (F-O); 3 experiments, 3 replicates each (F-O); 2 patient-derived CC-L. iners strains pooled (E-P); one way ANOVA between CC-L. iners with Mean and SEM are presented (E-P).