a, the number of nucleotides modelled by Phenix
map_to_model and CryoREAD. For Phenix results, two models were generated.
Models from map regions that are predicted to include nucleic acid atoms
(Phenix (Mask), blue) and models that were built from the entire map
(Phenix, orange). b, comparison of backbone atom/sequence
recall of Phenix (Mask) and Phenix. c, backbone atom recalls of
Phenix (Mask), Phenix, and CryoREAD relative to map resolution. For
CryoREAD, the equation of regression line is (Pearson correlation coefficient:
−0.320, p-value: 0.008, standard error:0.015). For Phenix(Mask), the
equation of regression line is (Pearson correlation coefficient:
−0.445, p-value: 1.456e-4, standard error:0.023). For Phenix, the
equation of regression line is (Pearson correlation coefficient:
−0.492, p-value: 2.006e-5, standard error:0.023). d,
sequence recalls of Phenix (Mask), Phenix and CryoREAD relative to map
resolution. For CryoREAD, the equation of regression line is
(Pearson correlation coefficient:
−0.632, p-value: 7.280e-9, standard error:0.017). For Phenix(Mask),
the equation of regression line is (Pearson correlation coefficient:
−0.550, p-value: 1.190e-6, standard error:0.012). For Phenix, the
equation of regression line is (Pearson correlation coefficient:
−0.525, p-value: 4.254e-6, standard error:0.013).