(A) Schematic of the Trpm7 mRNA rescue strategy. mRNA injections were always performed into Trpm7-Em KO zygotes, after which they were cultured in medium not supplemented with Mg2+.
(B–F) Bar graphs depicting rates of preimplantation embryo development of Trpm7fl/fl and Trpm7-Em KO uninjected embryos used as controls (*p < 0.05) (B) or embryos injected with Trpm7wt (C), Trpm7P1040R (D), Trpm7K1646R (E), and Trpm71570Stop mRNA (p > 0.05; **p < 0.01). Representative images of BLs stained with Hoechst and cell number quantification are shown to the right of each graph. Statistical comparisons were performed using Student’s t test (p > 0.05). The ‡ symbol denotes groups that did not produce BLs and were not statistically compared.