Extended Data Figure 8: Absence of stathmin-2 alters neurofilament composition over time in mice spinal cords.
(a) Immunoblotting for phosphorylated neurofilament heavy (pNF-H), phosphorylated neurofilament medium (pNF-M), and neurofilament light (NF-L) analyzed on 3 and 12 months-old Stmn2+/+, Stmn2+/− and Stmn2−/− mice lumbar spinal cord protein extracts. (b) Immunoblotting for neurofilaments medium (NF-M) and stathmin-2 from Stmn2+/+, Stmn2+/− and Stmn2−/− mice lumbar spinal cord protein extracts at 3 and compared to 12 months-old. β3-tubulin was used as an endogenous protein loading control. Stathmin-2 levels of Stmn2+/+, Stmn2+/− and Stmn2−/− at ~21 kDa are also shown. (c-f) Quantifications from immunoblots for pNF-H (c), pNF-M (d), NF-L (e) and NF-M (f) are shown. N=3 animals per genotype were used for 3 months, and n=6 animals for Stmn2+/+ and Stmn2+/− and n=3 animals for Stmn2−/− were used for 12 months. β3-tubulin remained unchanged confirming amount of protein loading control. Statistical analysis by two-sided, unpaired t-test. Each data point represents an individual mouse. Error bars plotted as SEM. P = 0.0381 (c); P = 0.0486 (d); P = 0.0039 (f).