Table 4 -.
The Results of Two-Stage Least-Square Instrumental-Variable Regressions of Pollution on Birth Outcomes
Pollutant | Outcomes | ||||||
Birth Weight | Low Birth Weight | Very Low Birth Weight | Full-Term Birth Weight | Foetal Growth | Gestational Weeks | Very Premature Birth | |
(1) | (2) | (3) | (4) | (5) | (6) | (7) | |
Ozone | |||||||
Ozone (STD) | −20.09637*** | .00409** | .00114** | −14.57308*** | −.39178*** | −.06353* | .00077* |
(6.31102) | (.00163) | (.00046) | (5.5523) | (.11123) | (.03577) | (.00041) | |
Observations | 535,036 | 535,036 | 535,036 | 532,693 | 535,036 | 535,036 | 535,036 |
R-squared | .08273 | .05176 | .0263 | .05317 | .06441 | .04515 | .02205 |
Mean DV | 3309.772 | 0.064 | 0.012 | 3389.140 | 85.260 | 38.814 | 0.006 |
%Change | −0.607 | 6.383 | 9.527 | −0.430 | −0.460 | −0.164 | 12.819 |
F-Stat | 63.970 | 75.439 | 162.420 | 56.815 | 66.054 | 74.664 | 136.850 |
PM 10 | |||||||
PM10 (STD) | −19.49962*** | .00378** | .00129*** | −12.59806** | −.2778** | −.10734*** | .00129*** |
(6.32009) | (.00159) | (.00046) | (5.74615) | (.11034) | (.03613) | (.00045) | |
Observations | 392,417 | 392,417 | 392,417 | 390,266 | 392,417 | 392,417 | 392,417 |
R-squared | .10884 | .06797 | .0328 | .07145 | .08856 | .04286 | .02577 |
Mean DV | 3312.433 | 0.064 | 0.012 | 3391.491 | 85.278 | 38.837 | 0.006 |
%Change | −0.589 | 5.911 | 10.721 | −0.371 | −0.326 | −0.276 | 21.568 |
F-Stat | 64.941 | 65.865 | 158.921 | 52.106 | 60.370 | 64.321 | 124.001 |
Notes. Standard errors, clustered at the county level, are in parentheses. The regressions include mother’s race dummy, child gender dummy, county-bymonth fixed effects, and year-by-month fixed effects. The regressions also include average county-level parental controls including mother education (five categories), mother age, father race being White, father’s ethnicity, smoker mothers, father age (10 categories), and prenatal visits. All regressions contain controls for county-level temperature and humidity. The regressions are weighted using the total number of births in each cell.