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. 2005 Mar 23;5:25. doi: 10.1186/1472-6963-5-25

Table 4.

Results, summary of the judgements made by the 17 evaluators of the quality for each of the outcomes presented in the 12 examples in the pilot study.

Outcome High Moderate Low Very low Consensus Comments
Depression severity 6/17 10/17 - - Moderate
Transient side effects 7/17 10/17 - - High Changed to little uncertainty
Poisoning fatalities - 4/17 7/17 6/17 Moderate Upgraded for very strong association
Stroke 15/17 2/17 - - High
Extracranial hemorrage 16/16 - - - High
All cause mortality 12/17 5/17 - - - Agreed to remove this outcome
Pain at rest 16/17 1/17 - - High
Pain ay motion 15/17 2/17 - - Moderate Uncertainty about directness of outcome measure
Mobility 3/17 14/17 - - Moderate
Quality of life 1/17 11/17 5/17 - Moderate
Dropout due to side effects 14/17 3/17 - - High
Serious gi complications - 3/17 8/17 6/17 - Need more information before consensus
All cause mortality 2/17 15/17 - - Moderate
Non-fatal stroke 17/17 - - - High
Non-fatal MI 17/17 - - - High
Death 13/17 4/17 - - High
Non-fatal MI 11/16 5/16 - - High
All cause death 12/17 5/17 - - Moderate If reporting bias, otherwise high
Major bleeding 15/17 2/17 - - High
Recurrent thromboembolism 6/17 11/17 - - High
Clinical cure - 13/17 4/17 - Moderate
Dropout due to side effects - 10/17 7/17 - Moderate
Relapse 2/17 11/17 4/17 - Moderate
Tuberculosis 2/17 10/17 5/17 - Moderate
TB death 8/17 8/17 1/17 - High
TB meningitis 1/17 4/17 12/17 - Moderate Strong association
Serious adverse events 1/12 - - 11/12 - No data, outcome removed
Condition unchanged 5/17 19/17 2/17 - - No consensus regarding sparse data
Poor outcome- surgeon rated 9/17 8/17 - - - Need bias information before consensus
2nd procedure needed 9/17 8/17 - - Moderate
No success – objective rater 5/17 10/17 2/17 - - No consensus regarding sparse data
Risks & side effects 1/15 2/15 2/15 10/15 - No data, outcome removed
Dental caries – start - - 8/17 9/17 Very low
Dental caries – stop - - 5/17 12/17 Very low
Dental florosis - 1/17 3/17 13/17 Very low
Bone fracture - 1/17 3/17 13/17 Very low
Cancer mortality - 1/17 2/17 14/17 Very low
All injuries - 1/17 12/17 4/17 Very low Question changed
Correct use early 8/17 5/17 4/17 - High Question changed
Correct use follow up 2/17 8/17 6/17 1/17 High Question changed
Possession of seat 7/17 6/17 3/17 - High Question changed
CHD 11/13 2/13 - - High
Breast cancer 11/13 2/13 - - High
Stroke 11/13 2/13 - - High
Colorectal cancer 11/13 2/13 - - High
Endometrial cancer 11/13 2/13 - - High
Hip fracture 11/13 2/13 - - High
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