All the models had Social Responsiveness Scale (SRS) total raw scores as the outcome and di(2-ethylhexyl) phthalate (DEHP), mono-n-butyl phthalate (MBP), monobenzyl phthalate (MBzP), mono-3-carboxypropyl phthalate (MCPP), monoethyl phthalate (MEP), and mono-isobutyl phthalate (MiBP), maternal age at delivery (years), three dummy variables for maternal race/ethnicity (Hispanic or Latino, Non-Hispanic black, Non-Hispanic white, Other/multiple races), maternal parity (0–2, >2), pre-pregnancy BMI (kg/m2), household annual income ($), child sex at birth (male, female), and child age at SRS administration (months) as the independent variables. The model using only EARLI data further included 3 dummy variables for study site (Drexel, Johns Hopkins University, Kaiser Permanente, UC Davis) as the independent variables while the model using pooled data further included 4 dummy variables for study site (HOME, Drexel, Johns Hopkins University, Kaiser Permanente, UC Davis) as the independent variables.
DEHP, di(2-ethylhexyl) phthalate; EARLI, the Early Autism Risk Longitudinal Investigation Study; HOME, the Health Outcomes and Measures of the Environment Study; MBP, mono-n-butyl phthalate; MBzP, monobenzyl phthalate; MCPP, mono-3-carboxypropyl phthalate; MEP, monoethyl phthalate; MiBP, mono-isobutyl phthalate.