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. 2024 Jan 23;14:1247232. doi: 10.3389/fgene.2023.1247232



Open field test indicates that Krtcap3 knock-out (KO, gray) rats are more exploratory than wild-type (WT, black) rats. (A) KO rats spent more time moving compared to WT counterparts, plus stress-exposed (empty) rats of both genotypes spent more time moving compared to respective control counterparts (filled). *p < 0.05 represents a main effect of genotype and a main effect of stress. (B) Control KO rats reared more frequently than WT counterparts, demonstrating increased vertical exploration, while there were no differences in stress-exposed rats. *p < 0.05 represents an effect of genotype respective to stress condition. (C) Additionally, KO rats of both stress conditions travelled a slightly greater distance in the field compared to WT rats, indicating increased horizontal exploration. # p < 0.1 represents a main effect of genotype. (D) While the two-way ANOVA did not pick up an interaction between genotype and stress exposure, an examination of the genotypes separately revealed that stress exposure did not alter WT willingness to approach the center of the box, but stress-exposed KO rats approached much less frequently than control counterparts. **p < 0.01 represents an effect of stress for KO rats. This is consistent with results from the novelty suppressed feeding test, signifying that stress exposure more strongly impacted anxiety-related behaviors in KO rats than WT rats. (E) Also consistent with prior behavioral results, stress exposure for both genotypes did decrease amount of time spent in the center of the box. *p < 0.05 represents main effect of stress.