Table 4.
Dynamic histone modifications in animal models of (sub-)chronic stress.
Species | Paradigm | Measurement Post-stress | Brain Region | Genomic Region | Histone Modification | Further Results | References |
Rat | Subchronic restraint stress (7 days) | 1 day | Hip (CA1) | Genome-wide | H3K4me3↓ | - | Hunter et al., 2009 [60] |
Rat | Subchronic restraint stress (7 days) | 1 day | Hip (DG, CA1) | Genome-wide | H3K27me3↓ | - | Hunter et al., 2009 [60] |
Rat | Subchronic restraint stress (7 days) | 1 day | Hip | Genome-wide | H3K9me3↑ | - | Hunter et al., 2009 [60] |
Rat | Subchronic restraint stress (7 days) | 1 h | PFC | Nedd4-1 | H3K9me2↓ | HDAC↑ | Wei et al., 2016 [66] |
Rat | CRS (21 days) | 1 day | Hip (DG) | Genome-wide | H3K4me3↑ | - | Hunter et al., 2009 [60] |
Rat | CRS (21 days) | 1 day | Hip (DG) | Genome-wide | H3K9me3↓ | - | Hunter et al., 2009 [60] |
Mouse | CRS (29 days) | - | Hip | Genome-wide | H3K9ac↓ H4K5ac↓ | HDAC2↑ in Hip | Wu et al., 2021 [67] |
Mouse | Social defeat (10 days) | Immediately | PVN | Genome-wide | - | HDAC2↓ | Elliott et al., 2010 [68] |
Mouse | Social defeat (10 days) | 1 day | NAc | Genome-wide | - | HDAC5↓ | Renthal et al., 2007 [69] |
Mouse | Social defeat (10 days) | 10 days | NAc | Genome-wide | H3K9me2↓ | G9a↓, Glp↓, Suv39h1↓ | Covington et al., 2011 [70] |
Mouse | Social defeat (10 days) | 24 h and 10 days | NAc | Genome-wide | H3K14ac↑ | HDAC2↓ | Covington et al., 2009 [71] |
Mouse | Social defeat (10 days) | 28 days | Hip | Bdnf promoter III / IV | H3K27me2↑ | Bdnf III and IV mRNA↓ | Tsankova et al., 2006 [72] |
Mouse | Social defeat (10 days) | 28 days | NAc | Genome-wide | H3K27me2↑ | - | Wilkinson et al., 2009 [73] |
Mouse | Social isolation (10 days) | 28 days | NAc | Genome-wide | H3K27me2↑ H3K9me2↑ | - | Wilkinson et al., 2009 [73] |
Mouse | Social defeat (21 days) | Immediately | Hip | Genome-wide | H3K9ac↓ | HAT↑ HDAC↓ in cortex | Montagud et al., 2016 [74] |
Mouse | Social defeat (21 days) | 3 weeks | Hip | Genome-wide | H4K12ac↑ H3K4me3↑ | HAT↑ in Hip | Montagud et al., 2016 [74] |
Rat | CVS(14 days) | 1 day | Hip (DG, CA3) | Genome-wide | H4K12ac↓ H3 phospho-acetylation (Lys9/Ser10)↓ | - | Ferland et al., 2011 [75] |
Mouse | CVS (15 days) + acute stress (30 min) | Immediately | Hip (DG) | Genome-wide | Chronic stress: H4K12ac↓ Acute stress: H4K12ac↑ Chronic + acute stress: H4K12ac↑ | Chronic + acute stress: HPA activity↑ | Ferland et al., 2014 [76] |
Rat | CVMS stress (14 days) | 1 day | Amygdala, BNST | - | - | HDAC5↓ in males (CeA) CBP↑ in females (BNST) | Sterrenburg et al., 2011 [77] |
Rat | CVS (14 days) | 1 day | Hip (DG, CA3) | Genome-wide | H4K12ac↓ | - | Ferland et al., 2011 [75] |
Rat | CUS (28 days) | 1 day | Hip | Genome-wide | H3K9ac↓ | HDAC5↑ | Liu et al., 2014 [78] |
Rat | CUS (21 days) | 1 day | Hypothalamus | Crhr1 | H3K9me3↓ | - | Wan et al., 2014 [79] |
Mouse | Prenatal CUS (4 weeks) | Immediately | Hip | Genome-wide | H3K14ac↓ in offspring (stronger in females) | Spatial memory↓ in offspring | Benoit et al., 2015 [80] |
Mouse | Gestational stress (restraint and 24-h light disturbance) | - | Hip | Genome-wide | H3K14ac↓ in offspring | DNMT1↑, HDAC1↑, HDAC2↑ in offspring | Zheng et al., 2016 [81] |
Mouse | Repeated cross-fostering | 72 days | Medulla oblongata | Genome-wide | H3ac↑ H3K4me3↑ H3K27me3↓ | - | Cittaro et al., 2016 [82] |
Rat | PEPS (15 days) | 1 day, 2 weeks, 2 months | Hip (CA3) | Genome-wide | H4ac↑ (long lasting for 2 months) | MeCP2 activation | Baĭdo et al., 2009 [83] |
Abbreviations: Bdnf: Brain derived neurotrophic factor, BNST: Bed nucleus of the stria terminalis, CA1: First region in the hippocampal circuit, CA3: Third region in the hippocampal circuit, CBP: CREB-binding protein, CeA: Central nucleus of the amygdala, Crhr1: Corticotropin-releasing hormone receptor 1, CRS: Chronic restraint stress, CUS: Chronic unpredictable stress, CVMS: Chronic variable mild, CVS: Chronic variable stress, DG: Dentate gyrus, DNMT1: DNA Methyltransferase 1, G9a: Euchromatin histone-lysine N-methyltransferase 2 (EHMT2), Glp: Euchromatin histone-lysine N-methyltransferase 1 (EHMT1), HAT: Histone acetyltransferase, HDAC: Histone deacetylase, Hip: Hippocampus, HPA: Hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis, MeCP2: Methyl-CpG Binding Protein 2, NAc: Nucleus accumbens, PEPS: Prolonged emotional and pain stress, PFC: Prefrontal cortex, PVN: Paraventricular nucleus, Suv39h1: Suppressor of Variegation 3-9 Homolog 1.