Fig. 2. Nociceptive Sox10+ Schwann cells are not required for thermal sensitivity.
a Example of single-unit activity in a C-thermoreceptor driven by blue light stimulation (10 s), the same unit did not respond to mechanical stimulation of its receptive field. b Mean rate of firing to blue light stimulation of C-thermoreceptors (n = 7 units). c Proportion of C-thermoreceptors with a blue light response (left) and their latencies (right). d Examples traces of C-fibers responding to a ramp heating stimulus before and after yellow light exposure in Sox10-ArchT mice. e, f Heat activated responses measured as thresholds (e) and spiking rates (f) in all heat responsive fibers (C-thermoreceptors and polymodal C-fibers pooled) before and after yellow light in Sox10-ArchT mice (n = 13) compared to those from Sox10-Cre control animals (n = 9) did not differ (two-way ANOVA, P = 0.55 (threshold) and P = 0.92 (ramp response), Bonferroni’s multiple comparison test). (g) Examples traces of C-fibers responding to a ramp cooling stimulus before and after yellow light exposure in Sox10-ArchT mice. h, i Cold activated responses measured as thresholds (h) and spiking rates (i) in all cold responsive fibers (C-thermoreceptors and polymodal C-fibers pooled) before and after yellow light in Sox10-ArchT mice (n = 15) compared to those from Sox10-Cre control animals (n = 7) did not differ (two-way ANOVA, P = 0.6 (threshold) and P = 0.48 (ramp response), Bonferroni’s multiple comparison test). Data are presented as mean values ± s.e.m. Source data are provided as a Source Data file.