The three steps to diagnosing AVNRT with a bystander concealed nodoventricular pathway (cNVP). Step 1: identification of a concealed AP by delivery of a His‐refractory PVC or right ventricular overdrive pacing; Step 2: exclusion of orthodromic reciprocating tachycardia (ORT), proving that the His‐bundle is outside the circuit based on the observations such as atrio‐Hisian block during the tachycardia or the dissociated His electrograms during right ventricular overdrive pacing; and Step 3: verification of insertion of the cNVP in the AVN based on the AVNRT form and reset/termination sequence. Notably, a delay or termination without atrial capture 1 cycle after the His‐refractory PVC is specifically diagnostic of AVNRT with a bystander cNVP. Abbreviations as in Figure 1.