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. 2007 Jan 24;2007(1):CD001385. doi: 10.1002/14651858.CD001385.pub2

von Berg 1998.

Methods STUDY DESIGN: Parallel group, multicentre (57) in 11 .countries, 2 week run in on / 52 week treatment with 2 week period off treatment at 6mths to assess BHR
 RANDOMISATION: Randomised treatment allocation, method not stated
 BLINDING: double blind, placebo controlled , 
 COMPLIANCE: checked verbally
 CONFOUNDERS: Groups well balanced by baseline characteristics
 QUALITY: Jadad 3 Cochrane B
Participants N Enrolled 627, Randomised 426, completed 360, M=262 F= 164 children Mean age 10 (range 5‐15)
 BASELINE SEVERITY: Mild‐moderate asthma
 INCLUSION : Clinical diagnosis asthma, >15% FEV1 reversibility to SABA or diurnal variation PEF > 15%, am PEF<85% best in run in. EXCLUSION : URTI/ LRTI/hospitalisation / changed asthma medication <4 weeks, requiring OS/ anticholinergics/ methylxanthines at entry
Interventions LONG ACTING BETA AGONIST: Salmeterol 50 mcg BD
 DEVICE: DP diskhaler
 RESCUE: Salbutamol 100 mcg prn
 CO‐INTERVENTIONS: ICS 50%, cromones 22%
Outcomes OUTCOMES: PEF, FEV1, Rescue use, asthma symptoms, Exacerbations, BHR, % days with no symptoms ,% nights with no asthma awakenings
Notes Exacerbations defined as worsening of asthma symptoms that required treatment in addition to the study drug and rescue SABA.
 no details on symptom score.