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[Preprint]. 2024 Jan 26:2024.01.22.576729. [Version 1] doi: 10.1101/2024.01.22.576729

Figure 9:

Figure 9:

Figure 9:

Overlaps between chromatin sections. A) Schematic plot of the overlap parameter O(s) for active loop extrusion (black), random walks (red), and fractal loopy globules (purple) as a function of genomic length on a log-log scale. The black and purple curves merge for sNe,active. The horizontal dashed line indicates the onset of entanglements. We use the volume fraction of chromatin in the nucleus ϕ=0.15 and OKN=10. B) Chromatin sections within TADs (green circles) overlap and have increased contact probabilities. Neighboring TADs (purple circles) are mostly segregated apart from a narrow interface. C) Inter-TAD fraction of all intra-chromosomal contacts made by loci in a TAD as a function of TAD length. D) Intra-TAD fraction of all intra-chromosomal contacts made by loci in a TAD as a function of TAD length.