(A) Representative western-blot analysis (Top panels) and quantification (Middle panels) of phospho- and total-ERK in lysates from a murine CSF-1 dependent macrophage cell line expressing CBLWT, CBLI383M, CBLC384Y, CBLC404Y, CBLC416S (n=3–6), and RIT1WT, RIT1F82L and RIT1M90I (n=3), KRASWT and KRASA59G (n=3). Bottom panels depicts flow cytometry analysis of EdU incorporation in the same lines. Statistics, Unpaired t-test. (B) HALLMARK and KEGG pathways (FDR / adj.p value <0.25, selected from Supplementary Table 7) enriched in gene set enrichment analysis (GSEA) of RNAseq from mutant CSF-1 dependent macrophages lines CBLI383M, CBLC384Y, CBLC404Y, CBLC416S, CBLR420Q, RIT1F82L RIT1M90I, KRASA59G, and PTPN11T73I (n=3–6) in comparison with their wt controls. NES: normalized enrichment score. (C) Sanger sequencing of 2 independent hiPSC clones (#93 and #91) of CBL404C/Y heterozygous mutant carrying the c.1211G/A transition on one allele and 2 independent isogenic control CBL404C/C clones (#71 and #89) all obtained by prime editing. (D) Photomicrographs in CBL404C/C and CBL404C/Y iPSC-derived microglia-like cells.(E) Quantification of leading edge and lateral lamellipodia in CBL404C/C and CBL404C/Y iPSC-derived microglia-like cells. n=3–7, statistics: p-value are obtained by nested one-way ANOVA. (F) Flow cytometry analysis of cell size for the same lines (n>3) statistics: p-value are obtained with nested one-way ANOVA,). (G) Flow cytometry analysis of EdU incorporation in CBL404C/C and CBL404C/Y microglia-like cells after a 2 hours EdU pulse. n=3, unpaired t-test). (H) Western-blot analysis (left) and quantification (right) of phospho- and total-ERK proteins in lysates from CBL404C/C and CBL404C/Y microglia-like cells starved of CSF-1 for 4 h and stimulated with CSF-1 (5 min, 100 ng/mL) (n=4), statistics: pvalue are obtained with two-way ANOVA.