The effect of pitavastatin calcium treatment (4 mg/day) on apoCI, apoB, apoAI, apoAII, and apoCII abundance in the proteome of the total HDL fraction (d 1.063–1.21 g/ml) hypertriglyceridemic subjects. HDL proteins were quantified using MaxQuant and LFQAnalyst as described in Methods (Supplementary Material). Proteins that underwent significant change poststatin, that is, apoCI and apoB, are shown alongside the unchanged scaffold proteins, apoAI and apoAII; the distribution of the LFQ intensity for each of the four proteins in the total HDL fraction is presented for each individual at baseline (D0) and poststatin (D180), with the horizontal bar representing the mean value. ∗P < 0.05 using a paired t test with correction for multiple comparisons. ApoCII was manually quantified using LFQ intensities from MaxQuant after selecting apoCII-specific peptides that were part of the apoCIV-apoCII identification cluster. Three of four peptides quantified by MaxQuant belonged to apoCII with the other mapping to apoCIV. The data represent the total apoCII protein intensity for each individual analyzed, with the horizontal bar showing the mean value. Statistical analysis of apoCII data was performed using a paired t test without correction for multiple comparisons (∗P < 0.05). LFQ, label-free quantitation.