Fig. 3. The combined absence of ZMAT3 and p21 does not accelerate γ-radiation induced thymic lymphoma development.
A Kaplan-Meier curves showing percentages of tumour-free mice of the indicated genotypes after exposure to four weekly doses of γ-radiation (1.5 Gy for each dose). Differences in thymic lymphoma incidence between wt and p21−/−Zmat3−/− were not statistically significant. P value determined by log-rank (Mantel-Cox) test p = 0.5. B Immunophenotyping of γ-radiation-induced thymic lymphomas arising in mice of the indicated genotypes, as assessed by cell surface marker staining and flow cytometric analysis of tumour cells from the thymus. Data are presented as the frequency of the indicated phenotypes for each genotype. Double negative CD4-CD8- (DN) or double positive CD4+CD8+ (DP) lymphoma cells found in the thymus that show a trend towards the CD8 T cell lineage (DP/CD8+ or DN CD8+, respectively). N number of mice. C Thymus weights from sick mice of the indicated genotypes. Significant differences were observed in spleen weights between the sick p21−/−Zmat3−/− and sick wt γ-irradiated mice. p21−/−Zmat3−/− (N = 12), p21−/− (N = 7), Zmat3−/− (N = 7) and wt (N = 5). Mean ± SEM, Unpaired Students t-test **p = 0.0065. D Western blot analysis of p19ARF, TRP53 and HSP70 (loading control) in thymic lymphomas of the indicated genotypes. Red asterisk indicates samples with dysregulated TRP53 pathway. The Trp53 mutant Eµ-Myc lymphoma cell line EMRK1172 [51] was used as a control for p19ARF and mutant TRP53 protein overexpression. Protein size standards in kilodaltons (kDa) are indicated. The numbers represent the identification of individual mice in the colony. E Trp53 exons 4-11 were sequenced from tumours (N = 26, Table S4). Table summary of mutations found, listed by amino acid change, Trp53 knock out (KO) or Trp53 wild-type (WT) alleles. F Summary of the TRP53 status in γ-radiation-induced thymic lymphomas arising in mice of the indicated genotypes as assessed by Western blot analysis and/or Trp53 exon sequencing (see also Table S4). Inconclusive refers to lymphomas where TRP53 pathway dysregulation was seen by only Western blot analysis or exon sequencing but not in both assays.