Low TdP risk drug response of hiPSC-derived closed-loop cardiac tissue (iCT) with or without traveling wave (TW) training
(A–C) Representative trace (left) and drug effect (right) of CMs (253G1) treated with isoproterenol (β adrenoceptor agonist), verapamil (calcium blocker, low TdP Risk), and ranolazine (sodium and hERG blocker, low TdP risk) (Mean ± SEM; isoproterenol: Control: n = 5; TW: n = 6; verapamil: Control: n = 6; TW: n = 6; ranolazine: Control: n = 6; TW: n = 6; independent biologically samples from three differentiations). ∗p < 0.05 (Student’s t test); #p < 0.05, ##p < 0.01 vs. values before drug (ANOVA).
(D) Representative trace of early afterdepolarization (EAD), the red arrows mark the EAD. The yellow arrows mark the Twave.