Antibodies |
Mouse monoclonal anti-α-actinin |
Sigma-Aldrich |
Cat#A7811; RRID: AB_476766
Mouse monoclonal anti-troponin T2 (TnT2) |
Santa Cruz Biotechnology |
Cat#SC-20025; RRID: AB_628403
Rabbit polyclonal anti-connexin 43 |
Sigma-Aldrich |
Cat#C6219; AB_476857 |
Mouse monoclonal anti-β-MHC |
Santa Cruz Biotechnology |
Cat#SC-53089; RRID: AB_2147281
Alexa Fluor 488 anti-mouse IgG |
Jackson Immuno Research |
Cat#715-546-150; RRID: AB_2340849
Alexa Fluor 594 anti-mouse IgG |
Jackson Immuno Research |
Cat#715-586-150; RRID: AB_2340857
DyLight-594 anti-mouse IgM |
Jackson Immuno Research |
Cat#715-516-020; RRID: AB_2340843
Alexa Fluor 647 anti-rabbit IgG |
ThermoFisher |
Cat#A21245; RRID: AB_2535813
Alexa Fluor 488 anti-rabbit IgG |
ThermoFisher |
Cat#A21206; RRID: AB_2535792
mouse monoclonal IgG (isotype) |
Santa cruz |
Cat#sc-2025; RRID: AB_737182
Chemicals, peptides, and recombinant proteins |
4′,6-Diamidino-2-phenylindole, dihydrochloride (DAPI) |
Wako Pure Chemical Industries, Ltd. |
Cat#342-07431 |
Primate embryonic stem cell medium |
ReproCELL |
Cat#RCHEMD001 |
Human basic fibroblast growth factor (bFGF) |
ReproCELL |
Cat#RCHEOT002 |
Mitomycin C |
Wako Pure Chemical Industries, Ltd. |
Cat#139-18711 |
AccumaxTM |
Nacalai Tesque |
Cat#17087-54 |
StemPro-34 medium |
Thermo Fisher Scientific |
Cat#10640-019 |
Ascorbic acid |
FUJIFILM Wako Pure Chemical Corporation |
Cat#012-04802 |
1-thioglycerol |
Sigma-Aldrich |
Cat#M1753-100ML |
Bone morphologic protein 4 |
R&D Systems |
Cat#314-BP-010/CF |
Activin A |
R&D Systems |
Cat#338-AC-010/CF |
Vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) |
FUJIFILM Wako Pure Chemical Corporation |
Cat#229-01313 |
IWR-1 |
Sigma-Aldrich |
Cat#I0161-5MG |
IWP-2 |
Sigma-Aldrich |
Cat#686770-61-6 |
Dulbecco’s modified Eagle’s medium (DMEM) |
Nacalai Tesque |
Cat#08458-45 |
Dulbecco’s Modified Eagle’s Medium (DMEM)-high glucose |
Sigma-Aldrich |
Cat#D5796 |
Iscove’s Modified Dulbecco’s Medium (IMDM) |
Sigma-Aldrich |
Cat#I3390 |
Fetal bovine serum (FBS) |
Biosera |
Cat#FB-1280/500 |
iMatrix-511Silk |
Cat#387-10131 |
Dow Corning |
TaKaRa |
Cat#T900 |
Y-27632 |
Nacalai Tesque |
Cat#034-24024 |
non-essential amino acid solution |
Sigma-Aldrich |
Cat#M7145 |
penicillin-streptomycin |
Gibco |
Cat#15140-122 |
L-glutamine |
Gibco |
Cat#ref. 25030-081 |
0.25% Trypsin-EDTA |
Gibco |
Cat#25200-072 |
Seahorse XF DMEM Medium, pH7.4 |
Agilent |
Cat#103575-100 |
Seahorse XF 1.0M Glucose Solution |
Agilent |
Cat#103677-100 |
Triton X-100 |
Nacalai Tesque |
Cat#9002-93-1 |
Tween 20 |
Nacalai Tesque |
Cat#28353-14 |
iCell Cardiomyocytes Plating Medium |
Fujifilm |
Cat#M1001 |
iCell Cardiomyocytes Maintenance Medium |
Fujifilm |
Cat#M1003 |
Trizol Reagent |
Invitrogen |
Cat#108-95-2 |
E−4031 |
Sigma-Aldrich |
Cat#M5060 |
Aspirin |
Sigma-Aldrich |
Cat#1044006 |
Ranolazine |
Sigma-Aldrich |
Cat#1598744 |
Mexiletin |
Abcam |
Cat#ab141823 |
Isoproterenol |
Sigma-Aldrich |
Cat#I5627 |
Metroprolol |
Sigma-Aldrich |
Cat#M5391 |
Verapamil |
Sigma-Aldrich |
Cat#V4629 |
Propranolol |
Sigma-Aldrich |
Cat#P0884 |
Dobutamine |
Sigma-Aldrich |
Cat#D0676 |
Milrinon |
Wako |
Cat#1504/10 |
Experimental models: Cell lines |
Cellular Dynamics International (CDI) |
Lot105451 |
Human Ventricular Cardiac Fibroblasts |
Lonza |
Cat#CC-2904 |
253G1 iPSC |
Riken |
HPS0002 |
Mouse embryonic fibroblast cells |
ReproCELL |
Software and algorithms |
FlowJo software |
Treestar Inc. |
N/A |
Fiji: ImageJ |
Fiji | |
MATLAB R2020 |
MathWorks |
N/A |
Origin2019 |
OriginLab |
N/A |
iDEP |
Ge et al.69
| |
Metascape |
Zhou et al.70
| |
EC50/IC50 value calculator |
AAT Bioquest, Inc. | |
Deposited data |
TW and Control group data |
This paper |
GSE251914 |
Fetal and adult heart data |
Kohjitani et al.60
GSE137255 |
Critical commercial assays |
Seahorse XF Cell Mito Stress Test Kit |
Agilent Technologies |
103015–100 |
Others |
Confocal microscope |
Nikon |
Cell Motion Imaging System |
SI8000 |
FACS Canto II flow cytometer |
BD Biosciences |
N/A |
Transmission electron microscope |
Hitachi Co. |
H-7650 |
Extracellular flux analyzer |
Agilent Technologies |
Seahorse XFe 96 |
MEA data system |
Multi Channel Systems |
USB-ME64-System |