(A) Following Vg knockdown females develop fewer eggs, as identified by dissection of ovaries of virgin females at 3–7 days PBM; each dot represents eggs per female; N = number of females, pooled from five biological replicates (Mann-Whitney: **** = p < 0.0001). (B) Vg knockdown causes complete infertility of mated females; Vg was targeted by two different dsRNAs; each dot represents percent hatch rate per female; N = number of females, pooled from three biological replicates (Kruskal-Wallis with Dunn’s multiple comparisons test: **** = p < 0.0001). (C) Transmission electron microscopy of developing oocytes showing a lack of yolk granules (arrows) upon Vg knockdown at 24h post blood meal; scale bar = 2 μm (representative images, two biological replicates). (D) Fluorescent microscopy showing an accumulation of neutral lipids (LD540, orange) in developing oocytes upon Vg knockdown; DNA (DAPI) in blue; scale bar = 50 μm (representative images, three biological replicates). (E) Triglyceride levels measured in dsLacZ and dsVg ovaries at 48h post blood meal and normalized to mean dsLacZ levels in each replicate; each dot is representative of ovaries from three females; N = number of samples of three tissues, pooled from three biological replicates (Unpaired t-test: * = p < 0.05). (F-G) Vg knockdown results in an increase in Lp levels in the fat body at the mRNA (samples of ten tissues, four biological replicates (REML variance component analysis: ** = p < 0.01; **** = p < 0.0001)) (F) and protein (samples of five tissues, representative blots, three biological replicates) (G) levels in the fat body and ovaries.