Table 3.
Nonverbal Communicative Behaviors.
Affirmative Nodding | Nodding head as a sign of approval, encouragement, or interest in the resident. |
Resident-Directed Eye Gaze | Looking at the face of the resident. |
Smile | Expression in which the corners of the mouth are directed upwards, denoting affability toward the resident. |
Laugh | Opening the mouth (totally or partially), making a sound commonly associated with the act of laughing. |
Withholding | Refusing a residents’ request or question. Includes statements from the resident that the DCW does not acknowledge (eg, resident asks if she can return to her room and the DCW does not respond). |
Affective touch | Spontaneous and affective touch that is not necessary for the completion of a task (eg, a pat on the back, a hug). |
Guiding touch | Using touch to draw the person’s attention or guide him or her for a task. |
Instrumental touch | Deliberate physical contact, which is necessary for the completion of a task. |
Abbreviation: DCW, direct care worker.