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. 2024 Feb 8;27(2):e26200. doi: 10.1002/jia2.26200


Measurement and definition of independent variables from the Rakai Community Cohort Study (RCCS) included in the analysis.

Variable Type Definition
Educational attainment Categorical Level of schooling, complete or incomplete, from primary 1–7 (Primary); secondary 1–6 (Secondary); or technical/university, primary professional, O'level professional, primary/O'level apprenticeship or A'level apprenticeship (Technical/University). Participants who reported never attending school were classified as having No Formal Education.
Primary occupation Categorical Activities or work that keep participants busy on average day (for money or not), collapsed into the following categories: agriculture for home use/bartering/selling, housework in own home, housekeeping in someone else's home or home brewing (Agriculture or Housework); shopkeeping, trading/vending or hairdresser/salon owner (Trading or Shopkeeping); bar worker/owner, waitress/waiter/restaurant owner or sex worker (Bar Work, Waitressing or Sex Work); fishing (Fishing‐Related Occupation); or government/clerical/teaching, student, military/police, medical worker, casual labourer, construction, mechanic, transportation (trucker/boda boda), sports betting or unemployed (Other).
Religion Categorical Self‐reported religious identity, grouped by the following: Catholic, Protestant, Church of Uganda, Saved/Pentecostal (Catholic/Christian); Muslim; or Other/None.
Household wealth Categorical Enumerated from an aggregation of nine household possessions and dwelling characteristics (yes or no) and partitioned into quartiles (groups of four) standardized at each survey round, as described by Santelli et al [24].
Migration Categorical Self‐reported migration into an RCCS community from outside the study since the prior round (∼18 calendar months) (In‐Migrants) compared to individuals who did not migrate into the study area in the prior round (Long‐Term Residents).
Condom use Categorical Sometimes or never (Inconsistent) versus always (Consistent) using condoms in the past year with any non‐marital/casual partner (i.e. visitor, stranger, workmates/colleague, boss/work supervisor, employee or sugar daddy/mummy). Those reporting no partners or marital/permanent partners only (i.e. current/former spouses or long‐term partners) in the past year served as the referent group.
Transactional sex Categorical Giving and/or receiving money, gifts or favours in exchange for sex in the past year with any partner (yes or no).
Hazardous alcohol use Count Aggregated number of reported experiences in the past year following alcohol consumption, adapted from Miller et al. [26]: (1) unsteady gait, (2) fell over, (3) got angry, (4) got violent/into a fight, (5) difficulty speaking, (6) forgot events while drinking, (7) shaking hands the next morning, (8) felt ashamed. Participants reporting no alcohol consumption in the past year received scores of 0.
Any alcohol use consequences Categorical Reported any of the following consequences following alcohol use in the past year (any or none/no alcohol consumption), adapted from Miller et al. [26]: (1) unsteady gait, (2) fell over, (3) got angry, (4) got violent/into a fight, (5) difficulty speaking, (6) forgot events while drinking, (7) shaking hands the next morning, (8) felt ashamed.
Illicit drug use Categorical Used any of the following illicit substances in the past year (yes or no): marijuana, amphetamines, aero fuels (“glue”), amayirungi (“khat”), heroin or kuber.
Intimate partner violence a Categorical Reported perpetrating or experiencing any of the following with any partner in the past year (yes or no): (1) verbally abused/shouted; (2) pushed, slapped or held down; (3) punched with something that could injure; (4) kicked/dragged; (5) threatened with a weapon (knife, gun, fire, rope); (6) used threats to force someone to have sex; (7) physically forced to have sex; (8) forced to perform sexual acts against will. Items were derived from the Revised Conflicts Tactics Scale [27].

Variable first introduced during the Round 18 survey interval (October 2016–May 2018).