of (a) the far-field μPL experiment with molecules
on a decoupling layer and (b) the near-field + far-field TEPL experiment
of a single molecule. (c) Comparison of the μPL, TEPL, and difference
spectra for the Mg- and ZnPc adsorbed on 2–3 ML NaCl/Ag(111).
The MgPc TEPL spectrum was measured at 1.2 V and 1.7 pA set point,
and the μPL spectrum was obtained with the tip retracted 1 nm
from the set point. The ZnPc TEPL was measured at 1.2 V and 5 pA set
point, and the μPL spectrum was obtained with the tip retracted
120 nm from the set point. (d) STM topography of MgPc/2–3 ML
NaCl/Ag(111), size 44 × 44 nm2, tunneling conditions
1.2 V, 5 pA, 3 ms per pixel. (e) APD map of the identical area, taken
simultaneously and rebinned from 512 × 512 to 256 × 256
pixels for better contrast. The insets in (d, e) are taken simultaneously
in the constant-height mode in the transport gap at −0.7 V,
maximum current 1 pA, and total laser power 100 μW, resulting
in peak rate 130 × 103 events/point, image size 4
× 4 nm2, and the original APD map rebinned from 128
× 128 to 64 × 64 pixels.