Figure 5.
The pose estimation of two C57BL/6J mice in the open-field arena by using DeepLabCut allows us to track the trajectory of the mice. (A): the picture shows the top view of the social interaction test in the open-field arena with juvenile and older subject mice. (B): the graph shows the percentage of mislabeled frames in the video of the juvenile interaction test proceeded by different parameters to construct a network in DeepLabCut (F(6,28) = 1.998, p < 0.05). (C): the traces show the trajectory of the juvenile (green) and the control subject (black) mice in the open-field arena. (D): the traces show the trajectory of the juvenile (green) and the PNE subject (red) mice in the open-field arena. (E): the total travel distance of the juvenile mouse model is shown. The open bar represents the data when the juvenile mouse model was with the control subject mouse model (n = 12), and the red bar represents those with the PNE subject mouse model (open bar, n = 12, t(22) = 2.03, p = 0.06). (F): the duration of time the juvenile mice stayed in the center of the arena is shown (red bar, n = 12, t(22) = 0.52 p > 0.1). (G): the total distance of the subject mouse model is shown. The data of the control (open bar, n = 12) and PNE (red bar, n = 12) mouse models are shown (t(22) = 1.27, p > 0.1). (H): the duration of time the subject mouse model stayed in the center of the arena is shown (t(22) = 0.13, p > 0.1). Asterisk (* p < 0.05) was examined with ANOVA Turkey’s post hoc test. No statistical significance (ns, p > 0.05) was detected in the travel distance or the time spent in the center when using Student’s t test.