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. 2024 Jan 30;14(3):295. doi: 10.3390/diagnostics14030295

Table 3.

Percentage of positive-HRCT patients at t2 in the populations identified according to the trend in DLCO and FVC from t0 to t1.

Trend in DLCO from t0 to t1 Pts with Negative t2 HRCT Pts with Positive t2 HRCT Odds Ratio (Confidence Limits) p-Value
DLCO ≥ 80% at t0 and t1 152 (94.4%) 9 (5.6%) Ref
DLCO ≥ 80% at t0 and <80% at t1 46 (9.7%) 1 (2.2%) 0.37 (0.05–2.98) 0.3479
DLCO < 80% at t0 and ≥80% at t1 33 (86.6%) 5 (13.3%) 2.56 (0.81–8.13) 0.1112
DLCO < 80% at t0 and at t1 197 (86.6%) 31 (13.3%) 2.66 (1.23–5.75) 0.0130
Trend in FVC from t0 to t1 Pts with Negative t2 HRCT Pts with Positive t2 HRCT Odds Ratio (Confidence Limits) p-Value
FVC ≥ 80% at t0 and t1 380 (91.0%) 35 (8.9%) Ref
FVC ≥ 80% at t0 and <80% at t1 12 (75.5%) 4 (25.5%) 3.62 (1.11–11.82) 0.0331
FVC < 80% at t0 and ≥80% at t1 10 (91.0%) 1 (8.9%) 1.09 (0.14–8.73) 0.9384
FVC < 80% at t0 and at t1 26 (81.0%) 6 (18.9%) 2.51 (0.97–6.50) 0.0588