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. 2024 Feb 5;18:325–339. doi: 10.2147/DDDT.S441950

Table 3.

Secondary Outcomes

Group C (n=42) Group P (n=42) P-value
 1 day after surgery 13 (12, 15) 15 (14, 17) <0.001
 2 days after surgery 12 (11, 13) 14 (13, 16) <0.001
 3 days after surgery 12 (11, 12) 13 (12, 14) 0.004
MAP-related indicators
 Baseline, (mmHg) 98.5 ± 10.13 98 ± 10 0.821
 Mean, (mmHg) 88.63 ± 6.7 85 ± 8.3 0.03
 Minimum, (mmHg) 69.81 ± 9.59 64.9 ± 9.43 0.005
 Percentage of stable time, (%) 0.6 ± 0.14 0.45 ± 0.14 <0.001
SctO2-related indicators
 Baseline, (%) 75.28 ± 4.02 74.44 ± 5.01 0.397
 Mean, (%) 77.26 ± 3.96 75.3 ± 4.49 0.039
 Minimum, (%) 71.69 ± 4.51 68.77 ± 6.46 0.019
 Absolute decrease, (%) 3.59 ± 0.66 5.19 ± 0.92 0.163
 Relative decrease, (%) 4 (1, 9) 6 (1, 12) 0.185
 Desaturation < 90% of the Baseline, n (%) 8 (19%) 15 (35.7%) 0.087
 AUT< 90% of the baseline 0 (0, 0) 0 (0, 14) 0.042
Drug dosage
 C/P, (mg) 170.46 ± 9.23 787.56 ± 37.23 <0.001
 Remifentanil, (μg) 836.50 (498.95, 1225) 751.03 (529.25, 1200) 0.879
 Sufentanil, (μg) 40 (30, 40) 35 (30, 40) 0.376
 Rocuronium, (mg) 60 (50, 70) 60 (58.75, 80) 0.956
 Noradrenaline, (μg) 160.40 (88.80, 291.05) 334.20 (194.20, 573.75) 0.001
Intraoperative adverse events, n (%)
 Hypoxia 6 (14.3) 2 (4.8) 0.265
 Hypotension 33 (78.6) 36 (85.7) 0.57
 Hypertension 10 (23.8) 11 (26.2) 1
 Bradycardia 5 (11.9) 6 (14.3) 1
 Tachycardia 1 (2.4%) 3 (7.1) 0.616
Quality of awake
 Time to being fully alert from the end of drug administration (OAA/S > 5, min) 23.30 ± 12.61 20.76 ± 10.00 0.308
 Ramsay scores 2.42 ± 0.36 2.51 ± 0.70 0.266
 BCS scores 1.85 ± 0.62 1.86 ± 0.31 0.833
 PONV, n (%) 6 (14.3%) 5 (11.9%) 0.746
 Wake delay, n (%) 0 0 1
 1 day after surgery 3 (2.75, 4) 3 (3, 5) 0.262
 2 days after surgery 2 (1.75, 2) 2 (2, 4) 0.108
 3 days after surgery 1 (0, 2) 1 (1, 2) 0.345

Notes: Data are presented as the mean ± SD, median (interquartile range), or number of patients (%).

Abbreviations: C, Ciprofol; P, Propofol; CAM, Confusion assessment method; MAP, Mean arterial pressure; Scto2, Cerebral tissue oxygen saturation; AUT, Area under the threshold; OAA/S, Observer’s assessment of alertness/sedation; Ramsay, Ramsay Sedation Scale; BCS, Bruggrmann comfort scale; PONV, Post-operative nausea and vomiting; SD, standard deviation; VAS, visual analogue scale.